Monday, October 26, 2009

You must stop eating meat – but your masters don’t need to.

  Enviro wackos are ramping up their ranting on imaginary “climate change” in anticipation of a great meeting in Copenhagen where fascists and socialists will make another attempt to gain control of the world and every person living and to be born.

  Now the widely debunked British Lord Stern is trying again:

“People will need to consider turning vegetarian if the world is to conquer climate change, according to a leading authority on global warming.

In an interview with The Times, Lord Stern of Brentford said: “Meat is a wasteful use of water and creates a lot of greenhouse gases. It puts enormous pressure on the world’s resources. A vegetarian diet is better.”

Direct emissions of methane from cows and pigs is a significant source of greenhouse gases. Methane is 23 times more powerful than carbon dioxide as a global warming gas.

Lord Stern, the author of the influential 2006 Stern Review on the cost of tackling global warming, said that a successful deal at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December would lead to soaring costs for meat and other foods that generate large quantities of greenhouse gases.”

  You shouldn’t have children so people in third world countries may, said another Britisher. Now you can’t eat meat. Read down and you’ll see the restriction doesn’t apply to him.

   Read the entire disgusting fear mongering here.

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