Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Obama says a tax isn’t a tax.

“Remember when health-care reform was supposed to make life better for the middle class? That dream began to unravel this past summer when Congress proposed a bill that failed to include any competition-based reforms that would actually bend the curve of health-care costs. It fell apart completely when Democrats began papering over the gaping holes their plan would rip in the federal budget.

As it now stands, the plan proposed by Democrats and the Obama administration would not only fail to reduce the cost burden on middle-class families, it would make that burden significantly worse. “

  Remember candidate Obama promising no tax increases for anyone earning less than $250,000?

  Now Obama argues that taxes aren’t taxes, much as Clinton postulated that it depends on what the “meaning of is is”.

   Douglas Holtz-Eakin demonstrates that the current Senate proposal does indeed raise taxes on just about everybody.

  Read it all here.

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