Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sowell warns on Obama’s desire to dismantle America.

This is one of the most remarkable columns Thomas Sowell has written. He dissects Obama's dismantling of America. Well worth emailing to your friendss, passign out printed copies. Sowell captures the danger of Obama and his cohort.

"Those who say that the Obama administration should have investigated those people more thoroughly before appointing them are missing the point completely.

Why should we assume that Barack Obama didn't know what such people were like, when he has been associating with precisely these kinds of people for decades before he reached the White House?

Nothing is more consistent with his lifelong patterns than putting such people in government-- people who reject American values, resent Americans in general and successful Americans in particular, as well as resenting America's influence in the world. Any miscalculation on his part would be in not thinking that others would discover what these stealth appointees were like. Had it not been for the Fox News Channel, these stealth appointees might have remained unexposed for what they are. Fox News is now high on the administration's enemies list.

Nothing so epitomizes President Obama's own contempt for American values and traditions like trying to ram two bills through Congress in his first year-- each bill more than a thousand pages long-- too fast for either of them to be read, much less discussed. That he succeeded only the first time says that some people are starting to wake up.

Whether enough people will wake up in time to keep America from being dismantled, piece by piece, is another question-- and the biggest question for this generation."

Read it all here.

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