Saturday, October 17, 2009

CNN tries to cover for Mao-loving Obama official. Another day, another lie.

  It is no secret that CNN is in the tank for Obama. Today, CNN kind of, sort of admitted they peddled absolute lies about Rush Limbaugh in order to keep him from participating in a deal to buy a football team.

  White House communications director Anita Dunn told a class of graduating high school seniors that Mao Tse-dung was one of her two “favorite philosophers”. Mao is credibly said to have been responsible for the death of as many as 70 million people. Dunn’s comment about Mao referred to the war he waged on the Chinese government. It was a brutal war that killed millions.

  Dunn issued a press release claiming she got the story from something Lee Atwater, a legendary Republican campaign consultant wrote or said somewhere. No reference associating Atwater with Mao could be found on Google.

  They then try to gild the lily by claiming that Newt Gingrich quoted Mao and that Karl Rove said that George W. Bush recommended he read a biography of Mao. This is cover for Dunn. People quote Hitler all the time, but they do not refer to him as one of their favorite philosophers.

The idea of a person in government claiming a mass murderer as one of their favorite philosophers is stomach churning. That they bragged of their affection to a group of high school students is sick.

  That the White House and CNN attempt to cover for the obviously vile Anita Dunn is frightening.

  Read the CNN cover up here.

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