Thursday, October 29, 2009

Even nothing is too much for these parasites.

  Detroit attempted to auction off tax delinquent properties. Even though the minimum bid was $500, many Detroiters had a real problem with the idea that the properties were sold to the highest bidder. In other words, the very concept of “auction” where the highest bid wins, is foreign to them and evil.

They want these homes for nothing. Just like they want everything else for nothing. A couple of weeks ago, it was “free” money from Obama that had them lining up. When asked how Obama got the money to give to them, a couple of women interviewed just didn’t know. All they wanted was the “free” money and now free houses.

Well this is what the still free people of the United States are up against: people who think it should all be “free” – for them.

Read the sad story here.

Also see Michael Barone’s column here.

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