Sunday, October 4, 2009

Michael Barone exposes some Obama lies, this time on Afghanistan.

  Remember Obama and his Afghanistan is the war we should be fighting rhetoric? My how things change in only a few months. Now with his hand-picked general calling for more troops, Obama seems to be relying more heavily on real experts like Joe Biden.

“The rethinking looks a lot like a rejection of his general's recommendations. McChrystal said last week that he had spoken to Obama exactly once since he was appointed. But many people, notably Vice President Biden, seemed to be speaking against his recommendation in a three-hour meeting Obama held with advisers on Thursday, Oct. 1.

According to The Washington Post, "senior advisers" challenged some of McChrystal's key assumptions. "One senior administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the meeting, said, 'A lot of assumptions -- and I don't want to say myths, but a lot of assumptions -- were exposed to the light of day.' " Sounds just a bit condescending, doesn't it?

Among the assumptions, wrote the Post reporters, is "that the return to power of the Taliban would automatically mean a new sanctuary for al Qaeda." That's the same assumption Obama made in his speech to the VFW 44 days before.”

  I wonder if people who voted for Obama are questioning their judgment?

  Barone’s column is here.

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