Sunday, October 25, 2009

Obama ignores 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. What does that tell you?

“Barack Obama, who found time to go on a 24-hour jaunt to Copenhagen on Oct. 2 to seek the 2016 Olympics games for Chicago, apparently cannot find the time for a 24-hour trip to Berlin on Nov. 9 for a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.”

  Barack Obama found the time and the money to stage a meaningless campaign stunt in Berlin, puffing up the crowd with a rock concert beforehand.

  The fall of the Berlin Wall was a significant event in world history, a major event. It signified a victory for the spread of democracy and freedom. But Obama can’t find the time to commemorate this great event.

  Of course, Obama couldn’t find the courage to energetically support the Iranians protesting the theft of their votes or the invasion of Georgia. Obama is simply not excited by democracy or freedom.

   Every day it becomes clearer that Obama is not a small “d” democrat. In fact, he may indeed by a big “A” Autocrat at heart and should be carefully watched and feared.

  See Michael Barone’s thoughtful column here. (How long before Obama declares that Barone should not be read?)

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