Thursday, October 29, 2009

Even nothing is too much for these parasites.

  Detroit attempted to auction off tax delinquent properties. Even though the minimum bid was $500, many Detroiters had a real problem with the idea that the properties were sold to the highest bidder. In other words, the very concept of “auction” where the highest bid wins, is foreign to them and evil.

They want these homes for nothing. Just like they want everything else for nothing. A couple of weeks ago, it was “free” money from Obama that had them lining up. When asked how Obama got the money to give to them, a couple of women interviewed just didn’t know. All they wanted was the “free” money and now free houses.

Well this is what the still free people of the United States are up against: people who think it should all be “free” – for them.

Read the sad story here.

Also see Michael Barone’s column here.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sowell warns on Obama’s desire to dismantle America.

This is one of the most remarkable columns Thomas Sowell has written. He dissects Obama's dismantling of America. Well worth emailing to your friendss, passign out printed copies. Sowell captures the danger of Obama and his cohort.

"Those who say that the Obama administration should have investigated those people more thoroughly before appointing them are missing the point completely.

Why should we assume that Barack Obama didn't know what such people were like, when he has been associating with precisely these kinds of people for decades before he reached the White House?

Nothing is more consistent with his lifelong patterns than putting such people in government-- people who reject American values, resent Americans in general and successful Americans in particular, as well as resenting America's influence in the world. Any miscalculation on his part would be in not thinking that others would discover what these stealth appointees were like. Had it not been for the Fox News Channel, these stealth appointees might have remained unexposed for what they are. Fox News is now high on the administration's enemies list.

Nothing so epitomizes President Obama's own contempt for American values and traditions like trying to ram two bills through Congress in his first year-- each bill more than a thousand pages long-- too fast for either of them to be read, much less discussed. That he succeeded only the first time says that some people are starting to wake up.

Whether enough people will wake up in time to keep America from being dismantled, piece by piece, is another question-- and the biggest question for this generation."

Read it all here.

Obama continues to get a pass

  Lots of time spent playing golf? Attempting to intimidate the media? Making secret deals with big business? Spending public money to jet off to more than 24 fundraisers in 9 months?

  If George Bush had done it, the media and interest groups would have been screaming. But when it’s Obama, all is well.

  Politico (surprisingly) looks at how gently the media is treating Obama.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A study in social progress: Joe Biden moves up from publicly funded transit to public housing.

The AP reports that Amtrak loses $42 per passenger. Joe Biden used to brag about taking Amtrak to work everyday. I wonder how much it cost taxpayers to get Joe to work? Now he’s moved up to public housing.

“U.S. taxpayers spent about $32 subsidizing the cost of the typical Amtrak passenger in 2008, about four times the rail operator's estimate, according to a private study.

Amtrak operates a nationwide rail network, serving more than 500 destinations in 46 states. Forty-one of Amtrak's 44 routes lost money in 2008, said the study by Subsidyscope, an arm of the Pew Charitable Trusts.

Stephen Van Beek, president of the Eno Transportation Foundation, a think tank, said the analysis could help guide decisions on how to spend $8 billion set aside for high-speed and intercity rail in a $787 billion economic stimulus bill. Rail planners may decide that spending the funds on high-speed rail makes more sense than slower intercity rail, which the Amtrak numbers show need higher subsidies.”

Read it here.

Monday, October 26, 2009

You must stop eating meat – but your masters don’t need to.

  Enviro wackos are ramping up their ranting on imaginary “climate change” in anticipation of a great meeting in Copenhagen where fascists and socialists will make another attempt to gain control of the world and every person living and to be born.

  Now the widely debunked British Lord Stern is trying again:

“People will need to consider turning vegetarian if the world is to conquer climate change, according to a leading authority on global warming.

In an interview with The Times, Lord Stern of Brentford said: “Meat is a wasteful use of water and creates a lot of greenhouse gases. It puts enormous pressure on the world’s resources. A vegetarian diet is better.”

Direct emissions of methane from cows and pigs is a significant source of greenhouse gases. Methane is 23 times more powerful than carbon dioxide as a global warming gas.

Lord Stern, the author of the influential 2006 Stern Review on the cost of tackling global warming, said that a successful deal at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December would lead to soaring costs for meat and other foods that generate large quantities of greenhouse gases.”

  You shouldn’t have children so people in third world countries may, said another Britisher. Now you can’t eat meat. Read down and you’ll see the restriction doesn’t apply to him.

   Read the entire disgusting fear mongering here.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Don’t you be viewing, listening to or viewing any purported news if it don’t have this Seal of Approval (White House Grammar Approved)



Obama ignores 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. What does that tell you?

“Barack Obama, who found time to go on a 24-hour jaunt to Copenhagen on Oct. 2 to seek the 2016 Olympics games for Chicago, apparently cannot find the time for a 24-hour trip to Berlin on Nov. 9 for a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.”

  Barack Obama found the time and the money to stage a meaningless campaign stunt in Berlin, puffing up the crowd with a rock concert beforehand.

  The fall of the Berlin Wall was a significant event in world history, a major event. It signified a victory for the spread of democracy and freedom. But Obama can’t find the time to commemorate this great event.

  Of course, Obama couldn’t find the courage to energetically support the Iranians protesting the theft of their votes or the invasion of Georgia. Obama is simply not excited by democracy or freedom.

   Every day it becomes clearer that Obama is not a small “d” democrat. In fact, he may indeed by a big “A” Autocrat at heart and should be carefully watched and feared.

  See Michael Barone’s thoughtful column here. (How long before Obama declares that Barone should not be read?)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Great take on the passing of the Obama hysteria

  Victor Davis Hanson has written a great column on the unraveling of the Obama trance:

“For 30 months the nation has been in the grip of a certain Obama obsession, immune to countervailing facts, unwilling to face reality, and loath to break the spell. But like all trances, the fit is passing, and we the patient are beginning to appreciate how the stupor came upon us, why it lifted, and what its consequences have been.”

  Hanson is a thoughtful man and his analysis here is excellent.

  Read it here.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cheney: "We cannot protect this country by putting politics over security, and turning the guns on our own guys."

I truly regret that Dick Cheney chose not to run for President.
Here is his speech in which he lambastes Obama and his crew.
Very much worth reading.

Obama says preventive medicine is the answer, not tests. Uh, now they’re going after the tests that are part of preventive health care.

“But finding those insignificant cancers is the reason the breast and prostate cancer rates soared when screening was introduced, Dr. Kramer said. And those cancers, he said, are the reason screening has the problem called overdiagnosis — labeling innocuous tumors cancer and treating them as though they could be lethal when in fact they are not dangerous.

“Overdiagnosis is pure, unadulterated harm,” he said.

Dr. Peter Albertsen, chief and program director of the urology division at the University of Connecticut Health Center, said that had not been an easy message to get across. “Politically, it’s almost unacceptable,” Dr. Albertsen said. “If you question overdiagnosis in breast cancer, you are against women. If you question overdiagnosis in prostate cancer, you are against men.”

Dr. Esserman hopes that as research continues on how to advance beyond screening, distinguishing innocuous tumors from dangerous ones, people will be more realistic about what screening can do.

“Someone may say, ‘I don’t want to be screened’ ” she said. “Another person may say, ‘Of course I want to be screened.’ Just like everything in medicine, there is no free lunch. For every intervention, there are complications and problems.””

  Wait. Didn’t Obama tell us that preventive medicine would solve health care cost problems? It’s those “needless” tests that run up costs, says Obama. And now the American Cancer Society is telling us, ever so conveniently, that we really don’t need those pesky tests.

  Maybe I should test my BS sniffer because something smells here.

Read it all here.

Barone on Obama’s “Chicago brass knuckles”

  Michael Barone provides the details of the Chicago thug political style being deployed by the Obama White House.

  Terrific reading here.

Christopher Hitchens sobers up to ask why not disarm Iran now?

“It is as if there could be a worse outcome than the nuclear armament of a lawless messianic state that tore up every agreement it signed even as it bought further time while signing it. “

  Despite my snarkiness, I generally respect Hitchens and his opinions. Not always, not even nearly always, but often enough.

  And on the issue of the need to disarm Iran of its capacity to develop nuclear weapons, I couldn’t agree more.

  Read it all here.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Another lousy cap-and-tax bill in the Senate

“Like Waxman-Markey, Boxer-Kerry would expand the control the government has over the American economy, businesses, and individuals. It would have little impact on reducing global warming but would significantly depress our economy.”

  Cap-and-tax programs must be defeated.

Pete Du Pont makes the case well in few words here.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Michael Barone thoughtfully explains why Obama’s European approach is failing

“The late political scientist Seymour Martin Lipset, who wrote a book on American exceptionalism, long noted that Americans are more individualistic and less collectivist than Western Europeans (or Canadians). The election of a president who in many ways seeks to push America in a European direction seems to have increased rather than decreased those differences.

Why? My explanation is that until November 2008 Americans did not have any reason to contemplate what a more European approach would mean in real-life terms. Now, with Obama in the White House and a heavily Democratic Congress, they do. And they mostly don't like it.

Hence the embarrassment of liberal commentators and, it seems, the president himself when five Norwegian lawmakers tendered him the Nobel Peace Prize. European elites are delighted with Obama's European approach. Most American voters aren't.”

  Michael Barone explains why Comrade Obama’s European socialism is falling flat in the United States.

  Read it here.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

CNN tries to cover for Mao-loving Obama official. Another day, another lie.

  It is no secret that CNN is in the tank for Obama. Today, CNN kind of, sort of admitted they peddled absolute lies about Rush Limbaugh in order to keep him from participating in a deal to buy a football team.

  White House communications director Anita Dunn told a class of graduating high school seniors that Mao Tse-dung was one of her two “favorite philosophers”. Mao is credibly said to have been responsible for the death of as many as 70 million people. Dunn’s comment about Mao referred to the war he waged on the Chinese government. It was a brutal war that killed millions.

  Dunn issued a press release claiming she got the story from something Lee Atwater, a legendary Republican campaign consultant wrote or said somewhere. No reference associating Atwater with Mao could be found on Google.

  They then try to gild the lily by claiming that Newt Gingrich quoted Mao and that Karl Rove said that George W. Bush recommended he read a biography of Mao. This is cover for Dunn. People quote Hitler all the time, but they do not refer to him as one of their favorite philosophers.

The idea of a person in government claiming a mass murderer as one of their favorite philosophers is stomach churning. That they bragged of their affection to a group of high school students is sick.

  That the White House and CNN attempt to cover for the obviously vile Anita Dunn is frightening.

  Read the CNN cover up here.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Would Obama fib about “jobs created or saved”?

“Michigan received $3.7 billion is stimulus money, of which $620 million was to be used to "create and save" jobs, while the remainder will be used by Granholm to backfill the budget deficit that she has created with her overspending so that she doesn't have to make any substantial cuts before she leaves office. When she walks away, she will have lost more than 1,000,000 jobs in a state with a population of only 10 million. A few days ago, Granholm claimed that stimulus money "created or saved" 19,500 jobs (Enron accounting: Stimulus saved or created 19,500 jobs in Michigan). Turns out, the number is an utter fabrication, as I suspected when I wrote that prior post. Fact is, that $620 million "created or saved" 397 jobs.”

  Golly, you don’t really believe that Obama and crew would misrepresent, do you?

  This blog post is truly hilarious. Read it here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Obama says a tax isn’t a tax.

“Remember when health-care reform was supposed to make life better for the middle class? That dream began to unravel this past summer when Congress proposed a bill that failed to include any competition-based reforms that would actually bend the curve of health-care costs. It fell apart completely when Democrats began papering over the gaping holes their plan would rip in the federal budget.

As it now stands, the plan proposed by Democrats and the Obama administration would not only fail to reduce the cost burden on middle-class families, it would make that burden significantly worse. “

  Remember candidate Obama promising no tax increases for anyone earning less than $250,000?

  Now Obama argues that taxes aren’t taxes, much as Clinton postulated that it depends on what the “meaning of is is”.

   Douglas Holtz-Eakin demonstrates that the current Senate proposal does indeed raise taxes on just about everybody.

  Read it all here.

Dems steal First Amendment

Object and the government may decide to prosecute you for hate crimes.

"In the past, Democrats knew they couldn't get away with a trick like stuffing a hate crimes bill into a defense measure because there was a Republican president to threaten a veto. But now, President Obama says he'll proudly approve the improbable combination of national defense and hate crimes.
"I will sign it into law," the president told a cheering crowd at the gay activist group Human Rights Campaign on Saturday. "Together we will have moved closer to that day when no one has to be afraid to be gay in America."
Actually, we will have moved closer to that day when lawmakers use stealthy, behind-closed-doors maneuvers to chip away at fundamental constitutional rights. Ask Republicans how it happened, and they say simply, "Elections have consequences." They're right."

This is very scary. Read it all here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Another reason public education needs to be thoroughly reformed.

“Finding character witnesses when you are 6 years old is not easy. But there was Zachary Christie last week at a school disciplinary committee hearing with his karate instructor and his mother’s fiancĂ© by his side to vouch for him.

Zachary’s offense? Taking a camping utensil that can serve as a knife, fork and spoon to school. He was so excited about recently joining the Cub Scouts that he wanted to use it at lunch. School officials concluded that he had violated their zero-tolerance policy on weapons, and Zachary was suspended and now faces 45 days in the district’s reform school.”

    Public education can’t teach children to read, but it can certainly engage in meaningless gestures.

  Read all of this pathetic story here.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Obama: the perfect Nobel Peace Prize pick

“ . . . if you're among those who think Mr. Obama's Nobel was misjudged and premature, not to say absurd, then you really know nothing about the values and thinking that have informed a century of prize giving. Far from being an aberrant choice, President Obama was the ideal one, Scandinavianally speaking.’

  Bret Stephens in The Wall Street Journal explains why Obama is a more typical than not Nobel Peace Prize winner.

  Read it all here.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Obama surrenders American freedom of speech

  If you doubted that Obama and crew are dedicated to the destruction of American freedom, here’s something that may – actually should – change your mind:

“The Obama administration has marked its first foray into the UN human rights establishment by backing calls for limits on freedom of expression. The newly-minted American policy was rolled out at the latest session of the UN Human Rights Council, which ended in Geneva on Friday. American diplomats were there for the first time as full Council members and intent on making friends.

= = = = =

The Obama administration's debut at the Human Rights Council laid bare its very different priorities. Threatening freedom of expression is a price for engagement with the Islamic world that it is evidently prepared to pay.”

  This US sponsored UN resolution would actually forbid the criticism of Islam. Amazing. Astounding. Frightening.

  Read about it here.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Obama declines faster than Carter on foreign policy

  Writing in Commentary, Jennifer Rubin comments that:

“Obama has already achieved what it took Jimmy Carter an entire term to attain: the conviction of a large majority of the American people that he is not protecting our interests or performing adequately as commander in chief.”

  Not much hope for change in that. See it all here.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Michael Barone exposes some Obama lies, this time on Afghanistan.

  Remember Obama and his Afghanistan is the war we should be fighting rhetoric? My how things change in only a few months. Now with his hand-picked general calling for more troops, Obama seems to be relying more heavily on real experts like Joe Biden.

“The rethinking looks a lot like a rejection of his general's recommendations. McChrystal said last week that he had spoken to Obama exactly once since he was appointed. But many people, notably Vice President Biden, seemed to be speaking against his recommendation in a three-hour meeting Obama held with advisers on Thursday, Oct. 1.

According to The Washington Post, "senior advisers" challenged some of McChrystal's key assumptions. "One senior administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the meeting, said, 'A lot of assumptions -- and I don't want to say myths, but a lot of assumptions -- were exposed to the light of day.' " Sounds just a bit condescending, doesn't it?

Among the assumptions, wrote the Post reporters, is "that the return to power of the Taliban would automatically mean a new sanctuary for al Qaeda." That's the same assumption Obama made in his speech to the VFW 44 days before.”

  I wonder if people who voted for Obama are questioning their judgment?

  Barone’s column is here.

Jew-hating Iranian President is, uh, Jewish

  Fascinating article in the UK Telegraph:

“A photograph of the Iranian president holding up his identity card during elections in March 2008 clearly shows his family has Jewish roots.

A close-up of the document reveals he was previously known as Sabourjian – a Jewish name meaning cloth weaver.

The short note scrawled on the card suggests his family changed its name to Ahmadinejad when they converted to embrace Islam after his birth.

The Sabourjians traditionally hail from Aradan, Mr Ahmadinejad's birthplace, and the name derives from "weaver of the Sabour", the name for the Jewish Tallit shawl in Persia. The name is even on the list of reserved names for Iranian Jews compiled by Iran's Ministry of the Interior.

Experts last night suggested Mr Ahmadinejad's track record for hate-filled attacks on Jews could be an overcompensation to hide his past.”

  Absolutely fascinating. Read it all here.