Thursday, June 10, 2010

Why on Earth Hasn't Obama Spoken with BP's CEO?

"How can someone who says they are seriously engaged in leading the
country through an ongoing crisis go more than seven weeks without
speaking directly with the person whose company is tasked with a
critical part of bringing the crisis to an end? Why would someone who
claims to be focused night and day on doing whatever is needed to put an
end to the catastrophe not want to have a direct line of communication
with Hayward? In fact, instead of not speaking at all with Hayward,
wouldn’t a President who was serious about taking charge of the
situation and being as well informed as possible do the opposite and demand
that the BP CEO provide him with constant direct updates of BP’s
efforts in the Gulf, perhaps even on a daily basis?"

Obama needs to be asked these questions over and over until he tells the truth - which is that he has no idea of what to do.

Read it here.

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