Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Obama and the War against Israel

  Excellent article by David Horowitz and Jacob Laskin about Obama's approach to the Middle East.

"For decades now, Israel has been
isolated and alone in the community of nations, with one crucial
exception. That exception has been the
, a country on which it has
relied for its survival throughout its 60-year history. Every would-be
aggressor has understood that the world’s most powerful nation was
Israel and would not let her be destroyed. Every
government harboring ill will toward the Jewish state has had to reckon
with the fact that the
United States was in Israel’s corner. Every vote of condemnation in the United
Nations had to confront a veto by the nation that provides its chief
financial support.

Until now.

In the words of a recent Reuters
, “Under President Barack Obama, the
United States no
longer provides
Israel with automatic support at the United Nations, where
the Jewish state faces a constant barrage of criticism and
condemnation. The subtle but noticeable shift in the
U.S. approach to
Middle East ally comes amid what some analysts describe as one
of the most serious crises in U.S.-Israel relations in years.”"

Read it all here.

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