Thursday, June 10, 2010

Obama lies again: this time about experts recommending drilling moratorium

  That six month moratorium on drilling Obama said was recommended by experts?
  He's lying again.

"Arnold said after the report was submitted, he and his colleagues were
blindsided by the inclusion of a broad moratorium in the Department of
Interior's report entitled, "Increased Safety Measures For Energy
Development On The Outer Continental Shelf."

"The decision on the
moratorium is a political decision," said Arnold. "I don't think it's
warranted. Not only that, I think it has long-term implications the
government may not have fully understood."

Arnold said the
original report he and his colleagues reviewed and sent to the Obama
administration called for changes in safety, training and government

Arnold said the original report only called for a six-month
moratorium on issuing new permits for exploratory wells drilled by
floating rigs in water depths greater than 1,000 feet.Arnold said
the report also called for a "temporary pause" to those rigs already
drilling in deepwater until critical safety devices were inspected and
recertified."That subsequently was changed after we had seen it,"
said Arnold."

  Is there nothing that Obama won't or doesn't lie about? Nope.

  Read it all here.

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