Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hillary Clinton: you must pay more taxes!

If a Republican did this, they'd be trotting out the crap about the "Ugly American", American imperialism and the like.

"US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday urged the wealthy across the Americas to pay their "fair share" of taxes in order to eliminate poverty and promote economic opportunity for all. In a policy speech in the Ecuadoran capital, Clinton said her appeal to overhaul tax systems did not amount to "class warfare" and was instead a recognition that the "winner-take-all-approach" was a drag on progress"

The best part is toward the end:

""But in many places, including often in my own country, the simple fact is that the wealthy do not pay their fair share of taxes. We can't mince words about this."

Confiscatory socialist taxes are on the way.

Read it here.

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