Sunday, June 13, 2010

Glenn Beck is becoming America's teacher

Glenn Beck is becoming America's teacher. If millions of people rely
upon Comedy Central's Jon Stewart for their news, what is odd about
millions relying upon Glenn Beck as their teacher about the glories of
the United States? Increasingly, Beck has been assuming the role of
teacher, of professor, explaining the Constiution and its meaning, the
personalities of the Founding Fathers and so forth. It is no surprise
that the Dems and left-wingers are driven insane by this - they don't
want the truth about America to be known. Beck last week did a program
on the 60 year old book "The Road To Serfdom", a classic on economics,
and it became the #1 bestseller on Amazon and its publisher sold out its
stock within a day or two.

Beck's programs are extremely well researched - far more so than any of
Obama's speeches. Linked is a transcript of Beck's show on "The Road To
Serfdom". Read it and you'll understand why the Dems and left-wing want
to silence this man and anyone else who speaks the truth.

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