Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Discrimination for me, but not for thee.

"The Red and Black Café is an anarchist coffee shop in Portland that caters to the niche clientele of coffee-drinkers for whom the average Portland café is not liberal enough: union radicals, homeless advocates, anti-drug-war civil disobedients, etc. Last month, a uniformed policeman on a coffee run was gently 86ed by one of the Red and Black’s co-owners on the grounds that the presence of a police officer was making the other patrons uncomfortable."

Uhmmmm, what is the cop was a homosexual or lesbian? Or a person of color?What then? How would these left-wingers deal with it? Lik the homosexual baseball league did with the bisexuals? Tell them they weren't homosexual enough or something?

Why is discrimination and bigotry just fine when it is the left-wing engaging in it?


Read it here.


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