Sunday, June 27, 2010

Obama's spiritual advisor, mentor and preacher doesn't like Jews or white people

"President Obama's former spiritual advisor, the Reverend Jeremiah
Wright, gave a seminar at the University of Chicago last week in which
he made numerous anti-Semitic remarks while once again attacking white

the New York Post, during the five-day course that cost up to
$1,000, Wright claimed "whites and Jews are controlling the flow of
worldwide information and oppressing blacks in Israel and America.""

Read more.

Obama and Holder getting ready for massive vote fraud in Novmber, 2010

"Most disturbing, the dismissal is part of a creeping lawlessness
infusing our government institutions. Citizens would be shocked to learn
about the open and pervasive hostility within the Justice Department to
bringing civil rights cases against nonwhite defendants on behalf of
white victims. Equal enforcement of justice is not a priority of this
administration. Open contempt is voiced for these types of cases."

A former Justice Department attorney sheds light on what the November, 2010 elections will be like.

In a word, fraud.

Will Obama try to deem his critics "domestic terrorists"?

   Will Obama resurrect this legislation in order to deem his critics "domestic terrorists"?

"Harman's bill contends that the United States will soon have to deal
with home grown terrorists and that something must be done to anticipate
and neutralize the problem. The act deals with the issue through the
creation of a congressional commission that will be empowered to hold
hearings, conduct investigations, and designate various groups as
"homegrown terrorists." The commission will be tasked to propose new
legislation that will enable the government to take punitive action
against both the groups and the individuals who are affiliated with
them. Like Joe McCarthy and HUAC in the past, the commission will
travel around the United States and hold hearings to find the terrorists
and root them out. Unlike inquiries in the past where the activity was
carried out collectively, the act establishing the Violent
Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Commission will
empower all the members on the commission to arrange hearings, obtain
testimony, and even to administer oaths to witnesses, meaning that
multiple hearings could be running simultaneously in various parts of
the country. The ten commission members will be selected for their
"expertise," though most will be appointed by Congress itself and will
reflect the usual political interests."

Interestingly, the sympathetic author never explicitly points out that Jane Harmon is a Dem.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson on Obama and the trampling of the Constitution.

Victor Davis Hanson details just one of the ways in which Obama is destroying the Constituion:

"We are well
into revolutionary times, but perhaps not in the way we traditionally
think of political upheaval. Instead, insidiously, the law itself is
becoming negotiable — or rather, it is becoming subservient to what
elite overseers at any given time determine is a higher calling of
social change"

Mark Steyn truly hits the mark on Obama

Mark Steyn, inone of his best columns ever, sums up Obama:

"Only the other day, Sen. George Lemieux
of Florida attempted to rouse the president to jump-start America’s
overpaid, over-manned, and oversleeping federal bureaucracy and get it
to do something on the oil debacle. There are 2,000 oil skimmers in the
United States: Weeks after the spill, only 20 of them are off the coast
of Florida. Seventeen friendly nations with great expertise in the field
have offered their own skimmers; the Dutch volunteered their
“super-skimmers”: Obama turned them all down. Raising the problem,
Senator Lemieux found the president unengaged and uninformed. “He
doesn’t seem to know the situation about foreign skimmers and domestic
skimmers,” reported the senator."

Friday, June 25, 2010

Islam sure is modern

"Saudi women plan to turn a controversial fatwa (religious ruling) to
their advantage and launch a campaign to achieve their long-standing
demand to drive in this conservative kingdom.

If the demand is not met, the women threatened to follow through the
fatwa which allows them to breastfeed their drivers and turn them into
their sons.

The campaign will be launched under the slogan: "We either be allowed
to drive or breastfeed foreigners," a journalist told Gulf News."

Read it all here.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Degeneration of Democracy

The brilliant Thomas Sowell examines another facet of Obama's creeping fascism:

"Just where in the Constitution of the
United States does it say that a president has the authority to extract
vast sums of money from a private enterprise and distribute it as he
sees fit to whomever he deems worthy of compensation? Nowhere."

Read it all here.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Associated Press lies again

Liars lying for liars. The Associated Press lies
for Obama to cover up his lies. The Ap impugns the impartiality of the
federal judge: "U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman, who was appointed by
Ronald Reagan and has owned stock in a number of
companies, sided with the plaintiffs". This is, of...
course, public knowledge and Holder's increasingly corrupt Justice Dept.
had a no-questions-asked right to remove the judge if they felt they
would be disadvantaged.

More telling is the omission by the
AP of the judge's rebuke to both Justice and Obama for including the lie
about experts suggesting the moratorium.

Read it all here.

Obama and the War against Israel

  Excellent article by David Horowitz and Jacob Laskin about Obama's approach to the Middle East.

"For decades now, Israel has been
isolated and alone in the community of nations, with one crucial
exception. That exception has been the
, a country on which it has
relied for its survival throughout its 60-year history. Every would-be
aggressor has understood that the world’s most powerful nation was
Israel and would not let her be destroyed. Every
government harboring ill will toward the Jewish state has had to reckon
with the fact that the
United States was in Israel’s corner. Every vote of condemnation in the United
Nations had to confront a veto by the nation that provides its chief
financial support.

Until now.

In the words of a recent Reuters
, “Under President Barack Obama, the
United States no
longer provides
Israel with automatic support at the United Nations, where
the Jewish state faces a constant barrage of criticism and
condemnation. The subtle but noticeable shift in the
U.S. approach to
Middle East ally comes amid what some analysts describe as one
of the most serious crises in U.S.-Israel relations in years.”"

Read it all here.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Why is Obama so secretive?

  Why is Obama so secretive?

"Obama's birth certificate also is not the only document at issue. WND
has reported that among the documentation not yet available
Obama includes his kindergarten records, his Punahou school records, his
Occidental College records, his Columbia University records, his
Columbia thesis, his Harvard Law School records, his Harvard Law Review
articles, his scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, his
passport, his medical records, his files from his years as an Illinois
state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism
records, and his adoption records"

See the whole story here.

Henry Lamb calls Obama "The most dangerous president in history"

  Henry Lamb makes some points worth considering.

"Obama believes in the rule of law — his law. No other law is relevant.
No other law matters. When Obama speaks, he expects the world to obey.

In his Tuesday night performance, he said "I will meet with the chairman
of BP and inform him that he is to set aside whatever resources are
required to compensate the workers and business..." "Inform him?"
Where does Barack Hussein Obama get the authority to issue orders to the
CEO of a private corporation? There is no such authority in the
Constitution. There is no law that empowers the president to "inform"
the CEO of any corporation how he will spend the corporation's money.
Obama couldn't care less about the Constitution or the law."

Read it all here.

Radicals, Islamists and Longshoremen blockade Israeli ship in Oakland

  Obama's pals prevent an Israeli ship from unloading in the Port of Oakland, California. This is not a sign of democracy when "Radicals, Islamists and Longshoremen blockade Israeli ship in
Oakland". Bit by bit we are seeing fascist tactics being used more widely.

Read all of this alarming story here.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Glenn Beck is becoming America's teacher

Glenn Beck is becoming America's teacher. If millions of people rely
upon Comedy Central's Jon Stewart for their news, what is odd about
millions relying upon Glenn Beck as their teacher about the glories of
the United States? Increasingly, Beck has been assuming the role of
teacher, of professor, explaining the Constiution and its meaning, the
personalities of the Founding Fathers and so forth. It is no surprise
that the Dems and left-wingers are driven insane by this - they don't
want the truth about America to be known. Beck last week did a program
on the 60 year old book "The Road To Serfdom", a classic on economics,
and it became the #1 bestseller on Amazon and its publisher sold out its
stock within a day or two.

Beck's programs are extremely well researched - far more so than any of
Obama's speeches. Linked is a transcript of Beck's show on "The Road To
Serfdom". Read it and you'll understand why the Dems and left-wing want
to silence this man and anyone else who speaks the truth.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

"Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to
Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The

can reveal"

Read it all here.

Is Obama an agent of Iran's Revolutionary Guard?

"THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned that senior Obama administration
officials have been telling foreign governments that the administration
intends to support an effort next week at the United Nations to set up
an independent commission, under UN auspices, to investigate Israel's
behavior in the Gaza flotilla incident. The White House has apparently
shrugged off concerns from elsewhere in the U.S. government that a) this
is an extraordinary singling out of Israel, since all kinds of much
worse incidents happen around the world without spurring UN
investigations; b) that the investigation will be one-sided, focusing
entirely on Israeli behavior and not on Turkey or on Hamas; and c) that
this sets a terrible precedent for outside investigations of incidents
involving U.S. troops or intelligence operatives as we conduct our own
war on terror."

Read it all here.

Krauthammer explains Obama's Iran failure

Charles Krauthammer explains (again) that Obama's Iran policy is worse than a non-starter.

"From the beginning, the Obama strategy toward Iran and other rogue states had been to offer good will and concessions on the premise that this would lead to one of two outcomes: (a) the other side changes its policy or, (b) if they don’t, the world isolates the offending state and rallies around us — now that we have demonstrated last-mile good intentions.

Hence, nearly a year and a half of peace overtures, negotiation, concessions, two New Year’s messages to the Iranian people, a bit of groveling about U.S. involvement in the 1953 coup, and a disgraceful silence when the regime’s very stability was threatened by peaceful demonstrators.

Iran’s response? Defiance, contempt, and an acceleration of its nuclear program."

Read it all here.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Why on Earth Hasn't Obama Spoken with BP's CEO?

"How can someone who says they are seriously engaged in leading the
country through an ongoing crisis go more than seven weeks without
speaking directly with the person whose company is tasked with a
critical part of bringing the crisis to an end? Why would someone who
claims to be focused night and day on doing whatever is needed to put an
end to the catastrophe not want to have a direct line of communication
with Hayward? In fact, instead of not speaking at all with Hayward,
wouldn’t a President who was serious about taking charge of the
situation and being as well informed as possible do the opposite and demand
that the BP CEO provide him with constant direct updates of BP’s
efforts in the Gulf, perhaps even on a daily basis?"

Obama needs to be asked these questions over and over until he tells the truth - which is that he has no idea of what to do.

Read it here.

Obama is leading us to disaster on yet another front

  Where is the Obama who was going to make government work?

"I speak of the report from the Inspector General of the Justice
Department, issued in late May, saying the department is not prepared to
ensure public safety in the days or weeks after a terrorist attack in
which nuclear, biological or chemical weapons are used."

Read it all.

Obama lies again: this time about experts recommending drilling moratorium

  That six month moratorium on drilling Obama said was recommended by experts?
  He's lying again.

"Arnold said after the report was submitted, he and his colleagues were
blindsided by the inclusion of a broad moratorium in the Department of
Interior's report entitled, "Increased Safety Measures For Energy
Development On The Outer Continental Shelf."

"The decision on the
moratorium is a political decision," said Arnold. "I don't think it's
warranted. Not only that, I think it has long-term implications the
government may not have fully understood."

Arnold said the
original report he and his colleagues reviewed and sent to the Obama
administration called for changes in safety, training and government

Arnold said the original report only called for a six-month
moratorium on issuing new permits for exploratory wells drilled by
floating rigs in water depths greater than 1,000 feet.Arnold said
the report also called for a "temporary pause" to those rigs already
drilling in deepwater until critical safety devices were inspected and
recertified."That subsequently was changed after we had seen it,"
said Arnold."

  Is there nothing that Obama won't or doesn't lie about? Nope.

  Read it all here.

Do liberals suffer from arrested moral development?

“It turns out that as people move from childhood through adolescence to young adulthood they become increasingly meritocratic, that is, they come to believe that people deserve unequal rewards based on their individual achievements.”

Read it here.

Prince Charles is losing it in a major way

'Follow the Islamic way to save the world,' Prince Charles urges environmentalists

Read more.

Brilliant cartoonist Michael Ramirex sums up Obama

Laugh here.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ties that bind between Obama, Dems and BP

Obama and lying, hypocritical Dems and left-wingers exposed once again as the Washington Examiner reveals their close ties wth BP. "But the Kerry-BP alliance for an energy bill that included a
cap-and-trade scheme for greenhouse gases pokes a hole in a favorite claim of President Obama and his allies in the media — that BP’s lobbyists
have fought fiercely to be left alone. Lobbying records show that BP is no free-market crusader, but instead a close friend of big
government whenever it serves the company’s bottom line."
Read it all here.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hillary Clinton: you must pay more taxes!

If a Republican did this, they'd be trotting out the crap about the "Ugly American", American imperialism and the like.

"US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday urged the wealthy across the Americas to pay their "fair share" of taxes in order to eliminate poverty and promote economic opportunity for all. In a policy speech in the Ecuadoran capital, Clinton said her appeal to overhaul tax systems did not amount to "class warfare" and was instead a recognition that the "winner-take-all-approach" was a drag on progress"

The best part is toward the end:

""But in many places, including often in my own country, the simple fact is that the wealthy do not pay their fair share of taxes. We can't mince words about this."

Confiscatory socialist taxes are on the way.

Read it here.

Obama: enemy of the First Amendment

Has the United States ever had a chief executive so against the First Amendment? No.
"The president said he’s concerned that BP has contracted
for $50 million in television ads to manage its image . . ."
This is a warning from Obama to BP not to interfere with Obama's constant and untruthful attacks on BP. Remember, BP exists largely a...t the mercy of federal and state governments, so a warning from a Hugo Chavez personality like Obama is not to be taken lightly. Obama already has moves afoot in Congress, the FCC and FTC to muzzle dissent. Obama is truly a threat to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Full story here.

Obama really does think all Americans are really stupid.

Obama is increasingly detached from reality. He really believes Americans are incredibly stupid and don't recognize when he is lying. "Barack '8 Years of Failed Bush Policies' Obama tells high school grads: 'Don't make excuses'"
What can be weirder than Obama, who constantly blames George W. Bush and so many others, advising high school students not to make excuses. What a clown.
Read it all here.

Discrimination for me, but not for thee.

"The Red and Black Café is an anarchist coffee shop in Portland that caters to the niche clientele of coffee-drinkers for whom the average Portland café is not liberal enough: union radicals, homeless advocates, anti-drug-war civil disobedients, etc. Last month, a uniformed policeman on a coffee run was gently 86ed by one of the Red and Black’s co-owners on the grounds that the presence of a police officer was making the other patrons uncomfortable."

Uhmmmm, what is the cop was a homosexual or lesbian? Or a person of color?What then? How would these left-wingers deal with it? Lik the homosexual baseball league did with the bisexuals? Tell them they weren't homosexual enough or something?

Why is discrimination and bigotry just fine when it is the left-wing engaging in it?


Read it here.


Is this the future of education?

“The most popular educator on YouTube does not have a Ph.D. He has never taught at a college or university. And he delivers all of his lectures from a bedroom closet.”

Read it all here.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Alan Dershowitz makes sense

“In a world in which North Korea sinks a South Korean naval vessel killing dozens, Iran arms Islamic terrorists, who kill hundreds, Russia bombs Chechnya, killing thousands, and the United States and Great Britain, while targeting al Qaida and Taliban, kill an indeterminate number of civilians, only Israel is subjected to international "investigations" such as that conducted by Richard Goldstone and that being called for by the Security Council in the wake of the recent flotilla fiasco.

Why only Israel? Why is the United Nations silent about other situations that cry out for international investigations? Surely it's not because what Israel did was worse than what other member nations have done. Certainly it's not because Israel lacks self-criticism or mechanisms for internal investigation. Plainly it's not because the other "offenders" were provoked, while Israel was unprovoked.

There is only one answer - because Israel has long been singled out for public scrutiny and opprobrium by the United Nations in particular and the international community in general.”


Read it here.

Spectator sports used to be real fun to watch. Uh huh.

Dozens of headless skeletons excavated from a northern English building site appear to be the remains of Roman gladiators, one of whom had bites from a lion, tiger, bear or other large animal, archaeologists said Monday.

Experts said new forensic evidence suggests the bones belong to the professional fighters, who were often killed while entertaining spectators.”

Interesting story here.

Obama's corrupt administration.

“In case you were tempted to buy the faux Washington outrage at BP and its gulf oil spill in recent days, here's a story that reveals a little-known corporate political connection and the quiet way the inner political circles intersect, protect and care for one another in the nation's capital. And Chicago.

We already knew that BP and its folks were significant contributors to the record $750-million war chest of Barack Obama's 2007-08 campaign.

Now, we learn the details of a connection of Rahm Emanuel, the Chicago mayoral wannabe, current Obama chief of staff, ex-representative, ex-Clinton money man and ex-Windy City political machine go-fer.

Shortly after Obama's happy inaugural,  eyebrows rose slightly upon word that, as a House member, Emanuel had lived the last five years rent-free in a D.C. apartment of Democratic colleague Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut and her husband, Stanley Greenberg.

For an ordinary American, that would likely raise some obvious tax liability questions. But like Emanuel, the guy overseeing the Internal Revenue Service now is another Obama insider, Tim Geithner, who had his own outstanding tax problems but skated through confirmation anyway by the Democratic-controlled Congress.”


Read it all here.

A tale of two Rachels

“But other Rachels have lost their lives as well – Jewish victims of the Intifada. Does anyone remember them? In Britain, where the play is being staged, how many people even know the name of Rachel Thaler, a British citizen who was murdered by a Palestinian suicide bomber in an Israeli shopping mall at the age of 16?

“Not a single British journalist has ever interviewed me or mentioned Rachel’s death,” her mother Ginette Thaler told me three and a half years after her murder.”

Read it all here.

What? Some people dare to question Obama?

Thanks to an advertiser who wishes to remain anonymous, cars and trucks on Arizona Highway 260 in East Central Arizona are driving by a billboard advertisement that recently went up, bearing President Obama’s face on what appears to be a mock U.S. $100,000,000,000,000 (One-Hundred Trillion Dollar) bill.

Find it here.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Helen Thomas and Obama: birds of a feather.

Helen Thomas has told the Jews to leave Israel and return to the countries they came from. You know: Germany, Poland, America.

The woman is obviously as much an anti-Semite has her pal Obama.

The mainstream media –  which pilloried Trent Lott for a stilly statement a few years back –  is circling the wagons around Thomas. Expressing your anti-Semitism is a form of racisim that is acceptable to the “journalists” of our day.

Disgusting that this woman should sit in the first row of the White House press briefing room.

Read about this repulsive woman here.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Obama White House joins the jackals

“Would the U.S., in Daniel Patrick Moynihan's memorable phrase, "join the jackals [in attacking Israel]?"  

This week the Obama administration answered the question: Yes we would, and Israel would stand alone.”

Read the sad story here.