Sunday, May 16, 2010

Obama shown to be a liar - again.

Victor Davis Hanson adds to the exposure of the god with no clothes, Obama:

"This is the strangest presidency I have seen in my lifetime.
President Obama gives soaring lectures on civility, but still continues
his old campaign invective (“get in their face,” “bring a gun to a knife
fight,” etc.) with new attacks on particular senators..., Rush Limbaugh,
and entire classes of people—surgeons, insurers, Wall Street, those at
Fox News, tea-partiers, etc.

And like the campaign, he still talks of bipartisanship (remember, he
was the most partisan politician in the Senate), but has rammed through
health care without a single Republican vote. His entire agenda—federal
take-overs of businesses, near two-trillion-dollar deficits, health
care, amnesty, and cap and trade—does not earn a majority in the polls.
Indeed, the same surveys reveal him to be the most polarizing president
in memory.
His base was hyper-critical of deficit spending under Bush, the war
on terror, Iraq and Afghanistan, and government involvement with Wall

But suddenly even the most vocal of the left have gone silent as
Obama’s felonies have trumped Bush’s misdemeanors on every count."
Read it all here.

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