Sunday, May 23, 2010

Al Sharpton and John Conyers exploit a tragic death.

Don't vomit when you read this. Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy at the funeral for the 7 year old girl who was the victim of an allegedly accidental shooting by police in Detroit.

I am no fan of police or the burgeoning number of SWAT teams that are over-equipped, under-trained, used far too often and make far too many tragic errors. But Al Sharpton coming to Detroit to deliver a eulogy? This is the same Al Sharpton who incited a crowd to murder a Hasidic Jew in the aftermath of a traffic accident. This is the same Al Sharpton who incited the arson of a store that killed several Koreans.

Did Al Sharpton say a critical word about the suspect the police were pursuing? The suspect, a 34 year old man engaged in a verbal confrontation with a 17 year old, leaving and coming back with a gun and allegedly killing the 17 year old. Why? It is said the suspect thought the 17 year old looked at him the wrong way. According to this article, Sharpton had nothing to say about the suspect. Only the police were criticized.

Did Sharpton show up or comment on any of the 379 people murdered in Detroit in 2009? Apparently not. If this hypocrisy isn't enough, John Conyers (whose wife just pleaded guilty to felonies) demanded that Eric Holder investigate the police. He didn't say a word about the 379 murders in 2009 either.

Read it here.

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