Friday, May 14, 2010

Eric Holder can't understand what motivates Islamic terrorists

You can take the measure oef Obama by the people he appoints. Take, for instance, Eric Holder in this exchange with Rep. Lamar Smith:

SMITH: Let me go to my next question, which is -- in -- in the case
of all three attempts in the last year, the terrorist attempts, one of
which was successful, those individuals have had ties to radical... Islam.
Do you feel that these individuals might have been incited to take the
actions that they did because of radical Islam?

HOLDER: Because of?

SMITH: Radical Islam.

HOLDER: There are a variety of reasons why I think people have taken
these actions. It's -- one, I think you have to look at each individual
case. I mean, we are in the process now of talking to Mr. Shahzad to try
to understand what it is that drove him to take the action.

SMITH: Yes, but radical Islam could have been one of the reasons?

HOLDER: There are a variety of reasons why people...

SMITH: But was radical Islam one of them?

HOLDER: There are a variety of reasons why people do things. Some of
them are potentially religious...

Eric Holder who has written legal briefs in support of terrorists, who was in the country on 9/11, who heads a department with hundreds of lawyers (including many of whom have defended terrorists and were hired by Holder), has seen the interrogations of the Underwear bomber, has reviewed the transcripts of terrorists allegedly tortured by the US A(he defended them) and he can't connect the terrorism we have been fighting for ten years with "radical Islam"?

How stupid do Holder and Obama think we are? Answer: extremely.

1 comment:

Imad-ud-din Saqib said...

Democracy isn't logical at all!