Thursday, May 13, 2010

Equality of outcome: the common people will have longer lines

Ah, yes: equality of outcome. The old socialist and national socialist ideal. Women take longer in bathrooms. Thus, lines form for women's bathrooms even when the number of appliance are equal. So, we need laws. I would suggest a law imposing draconian fines for anyone spending more than a specified time in a public bathroom. This would increase government revenues and confiscate nearly all my income.

Instead, the Dems want "potty parity". The result is summarized by an academic expert in the area: "Wolf Trap, the National Park Service's outdoor concert venue in Fairfax County, had two men's and two women's restrooms, and men breezed through while women waited in long lines. So one men's room was converted to a women's room and now "today everyone waits in line."' How's that hope and change going for you, comrade? Of course, the elite will have separate bathroom facilities attended by government employees with great salaries, benefits and pensions.

Read it here.

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