Monday, May 24, 2010

Obama and his offensive against freedom of expression.

The intersection of Obama's fascism and the Ameican people's natural desire for freedom are heading toward a collision. Obama is moving on fourth separate fronts to gain control of what is said on the internet. He has set his FTC and FCC on course to limit speech and has had the dependable Reid and Pelosi generate legislation to the same effect. Finally, he has nominated the free speech hating Alena "the government can forbid publication of books" Kagan to the Supreme Court. The First Amendment right to free expression is clearly intolerable to Obama and his supporters. This Wall St. Journal article indicates that Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the other wannabe dictators may encounter resistance from the people they seek to "protect" from free speech.

Read it here.

Richard Blumenthal of CT: quite the unnice guy, it seems

The Wall St. Journal has an unflattering portrait of CTs Attorney General Richard Blumenthal. Read it here.

Remembering the Germany of the 20s and 30s

Nina Easton writes “[M]y front yard exploded with 500 screaming, placard-waving strangers on a mission to intimidate my neighbor, Greg Baer. Baer is deputy general counsel for corporate law at Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500), a senior executive based in Washington, D.C. And that -- in the minds of the organizers at the politically influential Service Employees International Union and a Chicago outfit called National Political Action -- makes his family fair game.”

Sounds like the Germany of the 1920s/30s to me.

Decide for yourself.

Why Alena Kagan must not be confirmed.

Powerline has a frightening piece on Alena Kagan. She must not be confirmed.

“From the Harvard Law Record, via Ed Whelan, we learn that Elena Kagan considers Israeli supreme court justice Aharon Barak her "judicial hero." According to Kagan, Barak "is the judge who has best advanced democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and justice."”


Sunday, May 23, 2010

If Obama knew this, would he have sent him out with the garbage?

“The Dalai Lama credits capitalism for some freedoms, but he says he doesn’t practice it himself because he’s a Marxist

More here.

Why are taxpayers paying for condoms for adult males?

“High school students and college-age adults have been complaining to District officials that the free condoms the city has been offering are not of good enough quality and are too small and that getting them from school nurses is "just like asking grandma or auntie."

So D.C. officials have decided to stock up on Trojan condoms, including the company's super-size Magnum variety, and they have begun to authorize teachers or counselors, preferably male, to distribute condoms to students if the teachers complete a 30-minute online training course called "WrapMC" — for Master of Condoms.

"If people get what they don't want, they are just going to trash them," said T. Squalls, 30, who attends the University of the District of Columbia. "So why not spend a few extra dollars and get what people want?"”

Read it here.

Al Sharpton and John Conyers exploit a tragic death.

Don't vomit when you read this. Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy at the funeral for the 7 year old girl who was the victim of an allegedly accidental shooting by police in Detroit.

I am no fan of police or the burgeoning number of SWAT teams that are over-equipped, under-trained, used far too often and make far too many tragic errors. But Al Sharpton coming to Detroit to deliver a eulogy? This is the same Al Sharpton who incited a crowd to murder a Hasidic Jew in the aftermath of a traffic accident. This is the same Al Sharpton who incited the arson of a store that killed several Koreans.

Did Al Sharpton say a critical word about the suspect the police were pursuing? The suspect, a 34 year old man engaged in a verbal confrontation with a 17 year old, leaving and coming back with a gun and allegedly killing the 17 year old. Why? It is said the suspect thought the 17 year old looked at him the wrong way. According to this article, Sharpton had nothing to say about the suspect. Only the police were criticized.

Did Sharpton show up or comment on any of the 379 people murdered in Detroit in 2009? Apparently not. If this hypocrisy isn't enough, John Conyers (whose wife just pleaded guilty to felonies) demanded that Eric Holder investigate the police. He didn't say a word about the 379 murders in 2009 either.

Read it here.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why the Chosen People Chose Obama

Interesting article on why American Jews voted for Obama.

Click through to the comments as well.

Read it here.

A rat flees Obama's sinking ship

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hypocrite Obama demands proof of citizenship

The hypocrite Obama rages at Arizona for its requirement that people stopped with probably cause can be asked to provide proof of citizenship –  while he asks kids to provide him with proof of citizenship merely to be in his presence.

Read it here.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

DOJ civil rights attorney resigns over handling of New Black Panther Party case

“A trial attorney with the Department of Justice’s Voting Rights Section has resigned, citing concerns about the government’s refusal to prosecute a case involving voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party. A letter of resignation obtained by The Washington Examiner from a former Justice Department employee makes clear DOJ has refused to allow attorneys in the Voting Rights Section to testify before the congressionally-chartered bipartisan U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, despite subpoenas that could result in their being held in contempt.”

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

Soon the US will be like this under Obama

While Obama's State Department hires apologize to China for American human rights "abuses", China gives us an example of how things will be in the US if Obama succeeds. We will be told what to do and how to do it in every aspect of our lives because Obama knows best.

“city authorities started a campaign to suppress one of Shanghai’s most distinctive customs: wearing pajamas in public. Just as Beijing discouraged men from going shirtless during the Olympics, Shanghai wants everyone to wear “proper attire” for the Expo.

Catchy red signs reading “Pajamas don’t go out of the door; be a civilized resident for the Expo” are posted throughout the city”

Read it here.

Obama employee apologizes to Chinese about American civil rights.

“Assistant Secretary of State Michael] Posner said in addition to talks on freedom of religion and expression, labor rights and rule of law, officials also discussed Chinese complaints about problems with U.S. human rights, which have included crime, poverty, homelessness and racial discrimination.

He said U.S. officials did not whitewash the American record and in fact raised on its [sic] own a new immigration law in Arizona that requires police to ask about a person's immigration status if there is suspicion the person is in the country illegally”.

Read it all here.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Obama announces press freedom program - and refuses to take questions.

Obama is trying to gain control of the internet so he can muzzles anyone critical of him and dismantle the First Amendment.

“There was some rich irony at the White House today -- President Obama signed the Press Freedom Act, and then promptly refused to take any questions.

The new law expands the State Department's annual human rights reports to include a description of press freedoms in each country. It seemed a good opportunity to showcase press freedom in this country. “

Amusing article here.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Investor's Business Daily says Holder has to go.

Reasoned editorial says Holder has to go.

Spanish judge idolized by left-wingers fired

“Garzón has also often used more than questionable methods against detainees, such as calling the media to cover the actual arrests, long interrogations that prevented the accused from food intake. Or even calling detainees for questioning at midnight and keeping them up all night. Garzón is a night owl, but if it was Guantanamo instead of Madrid, Garzón would issue an arrest warrant against the interrogators.

Of course if the reports mentioned all this many people would perhaps, just perhaps, realize that Garzón may not be the superhero he and his apologists claim to be.”

This is the judge who issued arrest warrants for “war criminals” –  that is, anyone the left-wing didn't like.

Read it all here.

Obama shown to be a liar - again.

Victor Davis Hanson adds to the exposure of the god with no clothes, Obama:

"This is the strangest presidency I have seen in my lifetime.
President Obama gives soaring lectures on civility, but still continues
his old campaign invective (“get in their face,” “bring a gun to a knife
fight,” etc.) with new attacks on particular senators..., Rush Limbaugh,
and entire classes of people—surgeons, insurers, Wall Street, those at
Fox News, tea-partiers, etc.

And like the campaign, he still talks of bipartisanship (remember, he
was the most partisan politician in the Senate), but has rammed through
health care without a single Republican vote. His entire agenda—federal
take-overs of businesses, near two-trillion-dollar deficits, health
care, amnesty, and cap and trade—does not earn a majority in the polls.
Indeed, the same surveys reveal him to be the most polarizing president
in memory.
His base was hyper-critical of deficit spending under Bush, the war
on terror, Iraq and Afghanistan, and government involvement with Wall

But suddenly even the most vocal of the left have gone silent as
Obama’s felonies have trumped Bush’s misdemeanors on every count."
Read it all here.

Obama will soon move to regulate this dangerous activity

“Love is a battlefield -- complete with head wounds, broken bones, and the occasional penile fracture.

While most sex-related injuries don't require a trip to the doctor, getting hurt in the heat of passion is a pretty common -- but seldom discussed -- problem, sex experts say. “

It's all here.

It takes a lot of people and taxpayer money to spin Obama's endless stream of lies

“Obama's White House message machine employs 69 people who are directly involved in some part of the communications effort, at a cost to taxpayers of at least $4.3 million a year. That's an increase from 47 in Bill Clinton's White House and 52 in George W. Bush's.”

Read more.


NYPD: crime fighting or racial profiling?

“It is crime, not race, that leads to more [police] stops in minority neighborhoods.”

Heather MacDonald takees on left-wingers who complain about New York Police Department in this article.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mark Steyn on creeping Islam in the US.

“The Metropolitan Museum of Art has quietly pulled representations of Mohammed from its Islamic collection.”

Mark Steyn has been tracking the creeping Islamization of Europe and the United States for years. Both Obama and Islam want to be rid of the First Amendment.

Read it here.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Eric Holder can't understand what motivates Islamic terrorists

You can take the measure oef Obama by the people he appoints. Take, for instance, Eric Holder in this exchange with Rep. Lamar Smith:

SMITH: Let me go to my next question, which is -- in -- in the case
of all three attempts in the last year, the terrorist attempts, one of
which was successful, those individuals have had ties to radical... Islam.
Do you feel that these individuals might have been incited to take the
actions that they did because of radical Islam?

HOLDER: Because of?

SMITH: Radical Islam.

HOLDER: There are a variety of reasons why I think people have taken
these actions. It's -- one, I think you have to look at each individual
case. I mean, we are in the process now of talking to Mr. Shahzad to try
to understand what it is that drove him to take the action.

SMITH: Yes, but radical Islam could have been one of the reasons?

HOLDER: There are a variety of reasons why people...

SMITH: But was radical Islam one of them?

HOLDER: There are a variety of reasons why people do things. Some of
them are potentially religious...

Eric Holder who has written legal briefs in support of terrorists, who was in the country on 9/11, who heads a department with hundreds of lawyers (including many of whom have defended terrorists and were hired by Holder), has seen the interrogations of the Underwear bomber, has reviewed the transcripts of terrorists allegedly tortured by the US A(he defended them) and he can't connect the terrorism we have been fighting for ten years with "radical Islam"?

How stupid do Holder and Obama think we are? Answer: extremely.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dumb, desperate Dems

“Byron York usefully compiled the “Top 10 dumbest things said about the Arizona immigration law” two weeks ago. The list has undoubtedly grown significantly since then. Los Angeles city councilman Ed Reyes deserves top billing on any updated compendium of idiocy for the following statement, made in anticipation of the Los Angeles City Council’s resolution to boycott Arizona:

As an American, I cannot go to Arizona today without a passport. If I come across an officer who's having a bad day and feels that the picture on my ID is not me, I can be . . . deported, no questions asked. That is not American.”

They get dumber by the day.

Academics, European leaders ignore 150 million dead

“Communism led just as inexorably, everywhere on the globe where it was applied, to starvation, torture, and slave-labor camps. Nor is it widely acknowledged that Communism was responsible for the deaths of some 150 million human beings during the twentieth century. The world remains inexplicably indifferent and uncurious about the deadliest ideology in history.”

Read it here.

Golly - Africans engaged in slave trade. Lots.

“Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates will soon have a new book out debunking the theory popular among black race-hustlers: that slavery reparations are owed to blacks.”

Find it here.

SCOTUS Nominee Kagan for ‘Redistribution of Speech’

“Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan wrote in a 1996 article entitled "Private Speech, Public Purpose: The Role of Governmental Motive in First Amendment Doctrine" that "redistribution of speech" is not "itself an illegitimate end" for government.”

Read it all here.

A touch of humor

There are still bits and pieces of joy in Obamanation and will be until he imprisons the last one. P. J. O'Rourke provides a light-hearted, but insightful, look at the signature of our era.

"Each era of civilization has its characteristic sights, scents,
and…beep. What was thatBeep. There it goes again, the signature
noise of contempor...
ary life: a brief, penetrating electronic squeak that
seems to emanate from everywhere and everything in the modern world.

It's the sound the microwave makes when the frozen lunch is done. Beep.
It's the note struck by the bar code scanner as it empties your debit
account, by the airline e-ticket check-in as it prints you a ticket for
Spokane, Washington, instead of Washington, D.C., and by the TSA wand as
you're frisked at security. No elevator door shuts in your face without
emitting this particular commotion. No truck backs over you without a
prolonged series of these blarings. No nurse pronounces your blood
pressure astronomical until the medical equipment has tolled this knell.The
toys Santa brings today start beeping while still wrapped and under the
tree. (What happened to the Christmas-morning tradition of inoperative
playthings, crying children, and the frantic search for an open
drugstore where D cells could be bought?) The car beeps incessantly if
those children aren't firmly strapped into their booster seats for the
ride to dinner at Grandma's. And the car's horn beeps, too, in a lame
substitution for the satisfying honk of yore. The phone beeps when it
needs recharging. People we're never able to get on the phone tell us to
leave a message after the beep. The computer beeps, the fax machine
beeps, and so does the barbecue fork with the built-in meat thermometer."
Read it here.

A reminder to Obama - not that he gives a damn

Equality of outcome: the common people will have longer lines

Ah, yes: equality of outcome. The old socialist and national socialist ideal. Women take longer in bathrooms. Thus, lines form for women's bathrooms even when the number of appliance are equal. So, we need laws. I would suggest a law imposing draconian fines for anyone spending more than a specified time in a public bathroom. This would increase government revenues and confiscate nearly all my income.

Instead, the Dems want "potty parity". The result is summarized by an academic expert in the area: "Wolf Trap, the National Park Service's outdoor concert venue in Fairfax County, had two men's and two women's restrooms, and men breezed through while women waited in long lines. So one men's room was converted to a women's room and now "today everyone waits in line."' How's that hope and change going for you, comrade? Of course, the elite will have separate bathroom facilities attended by government employees with great salaries, benefits and pensions.

Read it here.

First Amendment means nothing to Elena Kagan

“In a 1993 essay published by The University of Chicago Law Review, for instance, she suggested how supporters of bans on pornography and "hate speech" could pursue their goals despite that pesky First Amendment. Her proposals included bans on "works that are both sexually explicit and sexually violent," a redefinition of obscenity to focus on material deemed harmful to women (which would then be unprotected—an idea that anticipated Kagan's argument in the animal cruelty case), "hate crime" laws that boost penalties for existing offenses when they’re motivated by bigotry, and laws "prohibiting carefully defined kinds of harassment, threats, or intimidation."”

Read it all here.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Steve Forbes on the food fascists.

“Having banned transfats on the flimsiest of scientific data, food fascists are now taking aim at our consumption of salt. They make this vital ingredient sound like it's a form of crack. Proposals are aflutter to ban saltshakers in restaurants and to force foodmakers to drastically cut back on or eliminate those beloved white granules.”

Read it here.

Rules Of Engagement To Die For

I notice the mainstream press is not asking Obama for his opinion of this lunacy:

In Afghanistan, European NATO commanders are recommending that NATO establish a combat award recognizing soldiers who risk their own lives to avoid Afghan civilian casualties. This would be called the Courageous Restraint medal and the first few would probably be awarded posthumously, because the most obvious cases would involve NATO troops holding their fire when the enemy uses civilians as human shields. This enables the enemy to kill their better trained and equipped opponents. The best example of this occurred in 1993, when 24 Pakistani troops were killed by Somali gunmen using civilians as human shields. Those dead Pakistanis would be eligible for the Courageous Restraint medal. The only problem with this is that the troops are none too happy with this use of human shields, or getting killed because of it.”

Read it all here.

Testing BlogJet

I have installed an interesting application - BlogJet. It's a cool Windows client for my blog tool (as well as for other tools). Get your copy here:

"Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination." -- Albert Einstein