Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Will Obama surrender to Iran?

Thinking the unthinkable: the US compromising and accepting a nuclear armed Iran. "Iran therefore does not believe the United States will strike or permit Israel to strike, as the consequences would be unacceptable." George Friedman, writinig for Stratfor, presents a very disturbing and penetrating analysis of the "what-ifs" concerning Iran. Obama has already proven himself frighteningly incompetent in foreign affairs. There is little reason to believe that Obama has any interest in protecting the United States, much less her allies in the Middle East. Hoping that Iran will become something other than what it is, as Obama so clearly believes is the case, is insane. Iran is not far from being able to decapitate the United States through an EMP strike. They already have the missile technology and the warheads aren't far down the road. The technique is referred to as "scud bucket". Take a Scud variant missile - of which Iran has many - bolt a nuclear warhead to it, put it in a container, launch it toward the US from slightly offshore and detonate the nuclear warhead 50 miles or so up. Poof. The Electro Magnetic Pulse will destroy the US electrical and electronic infrastructure. Unfortunately the report detailing the effects of an EMP attack on the US were lost in other news the day it was presented to Congress. September 11, 2001. People do not realize how dangerous Obama is to the continued existence of the United States.

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