Sunday, March 14, 2010

Obama attacks a US ally again

“While Obama looks on without a word "[i]n the part of the Palestinian Authority over which Abbas presides, Abbas's followers held an illuminating ceremony following Vice President Biden's departing flight from Tel Aviv on Thursday. According to the NewYork Times, dozens of Palestinian students from Abbas's Fatah party gathered in Ramallah to dedicate a public square to the memory of a woman who in 1978 helped carry out the deadliest terrorist attack in Israel's history. The woman and her terrorist crew killed an American photojournalist, hijacked a bus and commandeered another, embarking on a bloody rampage that left 38 Israeli civilians dead, 13 of them children". But Obama and his surrogates find plenty and then more then plenty to criticize Israel for. Isn't it odd that Jeremiah Wright, whom Obama claimed not to have listened to in the 20+ years he was Obama's "spiritual advisor", has the same attitudes toward Israel? No rational government will ever trust the United States after the way Obama has treated loyal allies like Israel, UK, Poland and the others he has cast aside. The nation is in deep trouble.”


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