Thursday, March 25, 2010

There’s too much free speech.

I've always been a student of evil regimes I would recognize it happening it here. And it is. Anyone who has read Lenin, Trosky, Stalin, Goebbels, Hitler and Mao will recognize what is happening. The Dems are hugely unpopular with the People. So they create distractions, like false stories making them "victims". Next w...ill come cries that such "threats" be criminalized. We already know that Sen. Dianne Feinstein thinks we have too much freedom of speech - and she is not the only Dem who thinks that way. It won't take long to pass such laws in the same manner "health care" was passed and amnesty for millions of illigals soon will be. Then the prosecutions for "hate speech" can begin. Think it is outlandish? Guess you haven't been looking at Canada, Britain, France, Denmark and Italy lately. Goodbye, America.

More here.

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