Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pelosi: you can’t know what is in healthcare bill until you pass it.

Did you doubt for a moment that Pelosi, Reid, Obama and the Dems are any better than any than other dictators? Here is Nancy Pelosi, who claimed she would bring "transparency" to government saying that in order to  know what is in the Obamacare bill, it must first be passed. I kid you  not. ""But we have to pass the bill... so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Forget the last part: it's a throwaway. The point is the no one except the Politburo, our New Masters. These peeople represent a greater threat to the United States than any oher enemy in our history because they are inside the system.

For the time being, they control the government - and it can't be truthfully called "

our" government any more. It belongs to them.

Read Pelosi’s statement here.

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