Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The precise moment when dissent became treason

“""[I]t seems that publicly airing your grievances stopped being patriotic right around noon on January 20th, 2009." How so? "Once President Obama was sworn in, protesting became incitement to violence."' A fellow named Evan Coyne Maloney "produced a timely new video splicing together footage that he calls "A trip down memory lane." He describes it as four minutes of nonstop examples of violent imagery and extremist rhetoric employed by left-wing anti-Bush protesters. He writes: "For some reason, despite it being well documented at the time by me and many others, the media chose to ignore it."' No surprise in Obamaland about that, is there Follow the links.


Gallup: 53% think Dems abused power.

Gallup Poll.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Troops know a leader.

Troops know a leader. Look at the difference in reactions to Greatest Leader Obama and former President George W. Bush.



Los Angeles Times

NYTimes buries the lede: Glenn Beck up 50% in viewership. Larry King down, down, down.

  You have to read this to the very last paragraph before the New York Times admits that Glenn Beck has gained 50% more viewers in the past year and, close to the end,  that FoxNews leads all the other networks.

Instead, the New York Times focuses on Larry King’s ratings slide.

New York Times.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Meet your Lords and Masters in the New America: government employees.

“It turns out there really is growing inequality in America. It's the 45% premium in pay and benefits that government workers receive over the poor saps who create wealth in the private economy.”

Wall St. Journal.

A great letter Obama will never read

  From the Weekly Standard:

Conservatives To Send Letter to Obama on Israel

Bauer text decries Obama’s rhetorical “assault” on a friend.

BY Daniel Halper

March 17, 2010 4:40 PM

THE WEEKLY STANDARD has obtained a copy of the text of a letter written by conservative leader Gary Bauer to President Obama, challenging the Obama administration’s recent rhetorical assault on Israel. Bauer is circulating the letter to other conservative leaders as signatories, and apparently is getting a strong response.

Here’s the text of the letter:

Dear Mr. President,

In recent days your Administration has unleashed an unprecedented barrage of criticism at Israel, our most reliable ally in the Middle East. The ostensible reason for this assault was a municipal zoning decision permitting construction to continue on a housing division inside Israel's capital city.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly and immediately apologized to the United States and to Vice President Biden personally for the announcement’s awkward timing, which occurred during Biden’s visit. Between two allies, that should have ended the matter. But in the 72 hours that followed, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senior White House advisor David Axelrod all turned up the rhetorical heat in what the press reports is a concerted effort directed by your Administration to manufacture a crisis that weakens Israel on the eve of new peace talks. 

Friends handle disagreements privately. Your public escalation sends a clear message of hostility and has increased tensions in the region. Your actions are likely to delay the resumption of peace talks between Palestinians and Israelis. You are now demanding that Israel make concessions to you on issues that are to be negotiated with the Palestinian Authority. 

The building authorized by Israel, as we are sure you know, is not a “settlement,” in the minds of anyone other than Israel’s most committed enemies. Ramat Shlomo is a neighborhood in northern Jerusalem where more than 18,000 people already live. It is clearly understood by everyone, Palestinians included, that Israel regards this area as inside Jerusalem’s municipal borders and would not be included as part of any future Palestinian state. 

Were it not so dangerous, the very idea that allowing Israel to build homes in this Jerusalem neighborhood can in any way threaten the peace process would be laughable. Alas, the only ones laughing are Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran. We are left to wonder why you have chosen to create a public diplomatic crisis over a zoning issue in Jerusalem.

Adding to our concern is the fact that at the same time you are bludgeoning Israel, your Administration has yet to present any viable policy to stop Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. You have repeatedly extended an open hand of friendship to Iran, even after Ahmadinejad responds with a clenched fist and poisoned tongue. He is furiously rushing to develop the nuclear weapons he promised to use to destroy Israel and weaken the U.S. through blackmail and intimidation. 

Yet you save your own vitriol for Israelis building homes for Jewish families in the Jewish capital. You offer Iran extension after extension for each deadline it fails to meet. You were the last Western leader to condemn Iran’s human rights outrages last June, but the first and only leader to condemn Israel’s decision to build homes for Israelis to live in Jerusalem. 

Mr. President, on September 11th, 2001, Americans watched in horror as demonstrations broke out in Palestinian neighborhoods, celebrating the death of 3,000 Americans. In contrast, in Israel they declared a day of mourning, lowered their flag and cried with us. The American people cherish our alliance with Israel because it is based upon our shared experiences and shared values of liberty, freedom and the right to self-defense. 

We call on you to immediately stop your attempts to weaken our ally and turn your efforts to the real security threat facing the U.S. and Israel – the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fed spends $13.1 billion on employee travel

In style, no less.

Where is the outrage over rising gasoline prices?

Since Great Leader Obama ascended the throne, gasoline prices have increased by about 86 cents per gallon. Where is the outrage that people like Pelosi expressed when gasa prices increased after she took power? (She blamed Bush, of course.) Where are the editorials demanding investigation? Where are the calls for the resignation of Obama's energy czar? (Or is it czars?) Needless to say, all are silent - because it is Obama's fault and one must not criticize. After all Newsweek's Evan Thomas says he is "sort of like a god". What dishonesty. What hypocrisy.

Gasoline price trending here.

There’s too much free speech.

I've always been a student of evil regimes I would recognize it happening it here. And it is. Anyone who has read Lenin, Trosky, Stalin, Goebbels, Hitler and Mao will recognize what is happening. The Dems are hugely unpopular with the People. So they create distractions, like false stories making them "victims". Next w...ill come cries that such "threats" be criminalized. We already know that Sen. Dianne Feinstein thinks we have too much freedom of speech - and she is not the only Dem who thinks that way. It won't take long to pass such laws in the same manner "health care" was passed and amnesty for millions of illigals soon will be. Then the prosecutions for "hate speech" can begin. Think it is outlandish? Guess you haven't been looking at Canada, Britain, France, Denmark and Italy lately. Goodbye, America.

More here.

Why doesn’t Obama just say “I hate Jews”?

“Obama has added more poison to a U.S.-Israeli relationship that already was at its lowest point in two decades. Tuesday night the White House refused to allow non-official photographers record the president’s meeting with Netanyahu; no statement was issued afterward. Netanyahu is being treated as if he were an unsavory Third World dictator, needed for strategic reasons but conspicuously held at arms length. That is something the rest of the world will be quick to notice and respond to. Just like the Palestinians, European governments cannot be more friendly to an Israeli leader than the United States.”

Washington Post.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Obama breaks the law. Again.

Lawbreaker-in-Chief Obama flouts his specialness and above the law "sort of like a god" stature by not only breaking the law but publishing a photo of it. Washington DC law provides "DC's seat belt law requires the driver and all passengers to be properly buckled  up at all times, in the front and back seats. This requirement applies to passengers in all vehicles, including taxicabs." Take a look: like all the other laws in our once great United States, it doesn't seem to apply to the Supreme Leader Obama - no seatbelt is visible. Just imagine the outrage in the mainstream media if Bush had been pictured this way. Come to think of it . . .


Thursday, March 18, 2010

It’s all in the name: up for sale

The domain name may be coming up for auction.

PETA, the publicity hound organization, claims it should be donated to them.

There is no shortage of crazies – and odder yet, no shortage of crazies to give them money.

Associated Press.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Justice Thomas’s wife promotes conservative values and the media goes mad.

Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife is starting an organization to promote conservative values and the media is shocked, simply shocked.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Obama attacks a US ally again

“While Obama looks on without a word "[i]n the part of the Palestinian Authority over which Abbas presides, Abbas's followers held an illuminating ceremony following Vice President Biden's departing flight from Tel Aviv on Thursday. According to the NewYork Times, dozens of Palestinian students from Abbas's Fatah party gathered in Ramallah to dedicate a public square to the memory of a woman who in 1978 helped carry out the deadliest terrorist attack in Israel's history. The woman and her terrorist crew killed an American photojournalist, hijacked a bus and commandeered another, embarking on a bloody rampage that left 38 Israeli civilians dead, 13 of them children". But Obama and his surrogates find plenty and then more then plenty to criticize Israel for. Isn't it odd that Jeremiah Wright, whom Obama claimed not to have listened to in the 20+ years he was Obama's "spiritual advisor", has the same attitudes toward Israel? No rational government will ever trust the United States after the way Obama has treated loyal allies like Israel, UK, Poland and the others he has cast aside. The nation is in deep trouble.”


You know the New York Times. Always moaning about the evils of capitalism, the virtues of socialism and the oppression of the “working class”. Well how about this splendid example of leeft-wing hypocrisy?

“Arthur Sulzberger Jr.'s overall compensation as chairman of the New York Times Company "more than doubled to $6 million in 2009," reports Dow Jones Newswires. That during a year during which many Times reporters and editors, who make about $100,000 a year, were subjected to a 5% pay cut, and reporters at the Globe, who make less than those at the Times, took a 5.9% pay cut. Something to remember the next time you read one of those New York Times editorials piously denouncing income inequality.”

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Washington Post’s Dana Milbank, who is deep, deep, deep in the tank for Obama defies reality in claiming that only Rahm Emmanuel can prevent Obama from becoming another Jimmy Carter. Uhhhm, Dana, Obama passed Carter on the Fail-O-Meter months ago. It only gets worse from here.

Help stop the destruction of the United States

“The news out of Washington is agonizing, as the Dems slowly try to reach the number of votes they need in the House to take over the health care industries. Reports indicate that they are something like four or five votes short; the conventional wisdom is that they will get there, somehow. God only knows what they are promising (or threatening) to get those last votes. The Cornhusker Kickback will look like clean politics by the time they're done.

The voters hate it, as evidenced by Rasmussen's most recent polling. Nancy Pelosi is reaching seldom-plumbed depths of unpopularity at a 29/64 favorable/unfavorable ratio. Forty-seven percent have a "very unfavorable" view of the Speaker of the House; of course, hardly any of them will be able to vote against her in November. Harry Reid, on the other hand--24/56--looks to be serving his last year in the Senate.”


Powerline Bl

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Great Master Obama says no mo’ fishin’

The Great Master Obama is about the quash another traditional Ameican freedom: fishing for fun. "The Obama administration will accept no more public input for a federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing the nation's oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters." Remember how Clinton used Executive Orders to restrict what people could do on federal lands? Obama makes Clinton look like a piker. The EPA will control your energy use, including where you travel, what your thermostat is set up. Obamacare Death Panels will control your access to medical care. Micehele's panels will control what you eat. Next are guns and fishing rods. Obama and his crowd want to control everything and every one. Ask yourself why Obama, Reid and Pelosi are so blatantly ignoring public sentiment. The answer is easy: honest elections are a thing of the past. You will vote for Obama, Reid and Pelosi and those they choose for you.

Read it here

Pelosi: you can’t know what is in healthcare bill until you pass it.

Did you doubt for a moment that Pelosi, Reid, Obama and the Dems are any better than any than other dictators? Here is Nancy Pelosi, who claimed she would bring "transparency" to government saying that in order to  know what is in the Obamacare bill, it must first be passed. I kid you  not. ""But we have to pass the bill... so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Forget the last part: it's a throwaway. The point is the no one except the Politburo, our New Masters. These peeople represent a greater threat to the United States than any oher enemy in our history because they are inside the system.

For the time being, they control the government - and it can't be truthfully called "

our" government any more. It belongs to them.

Read Pelosi’s statement here.

Dem Poll shows Obama, Dems losing ground

“A majority of Americans say the United States is less respected in the world than it was two years ago and think President Obama and other Democrats fall short of Republicans on the issue of national security, a new poll finds.

The Democracy Corps-Third Way survey released Monday finds that by a 10-point margin -- 51 percent to 41 percent -- Americans think the standing of the U.S. dropped during the first 13 months of Mr. Obama's presidency.

"This is surprising, given the global acclaim and Nobel peace prize that flowed to the new president after he took office," said pollsters for the liberal-leaning organizations. “


Read it here.

Saturday, March 6, 2010




1. Open a new file in your computer.

2. Name it 'Barack Obama

'. 3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.

4. Empty the Recycle Bin.

5. Your PC will ask you: 'Do you really want to get rid of 'Barack Obama?'

6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'

7. Feel better? GOOD! - Tomorrow we'll do Nancy Pelosi.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Will Obama surrender to Iran?

Thinking the unthinkable: the US compromising and accepting a nuclear armed Iran. "Iran therefore does not believe the United States will strike or permit Israel to strike, as the consequences would be unacceptable." George Friedman, writinig for Stratfor, presents a very disturbing and penetrating analysis of the "what-ifs" concerning Iran. Obama has already proven himself frighteningly incompetent in foreign affairs. There is little reason to believe that Obama has any interest in protecting the United States, much less her allies in the Middle East. Hoping that Iran will become something other than what it is, as Obama so clearly believes is the case, is insane. Iran is not far from being able to decapitate the United States through an EMP strike. They already have the missile technology and the warheads aren't far down the road. The technique is referred to as "scud bucket". Take a Scud variant missile - of which Iran has many - bolt a nuclear warhead to it, put it in a container, launch it toward the US from slightly offshore and detonate the nuclear warhead 50 miles or so up. Poof. The Electro Magnetic Pulse will destroy the US electrical and electronic infrastructure. Unfortunately the report detailing the effects of an EMP attack on the US were lost in other news the day it was presented to Congress. September 11, 2001. People do not realize how dangerous Obama is to the continued existence of the United States.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Stop militarizing US police forces

“Over the last six months of 2009, SWAT teams were deployed 804 times in the state of Maryland, or about 4.5 times per day. In Prince George's County alone, with its 850,000 residents, a SWAT team was deployed about once per day. According to a Baltimore Sun analysis, 94 percent of the state's SWAT deployments were used to serve search or arrest warrants, leaving just 6 percent in response to the kinds of barricades, bank robberies, hostage takings, and emergency situations for which SWAT teams were originally intended.”


Read al the frightening details here.