Thursday, February 25, 2010

Patriot Act extended by Dem Senate – where’s the outrage?

"The [DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED] Senate voted Wednesday to extend for a year key provisions of the [PATRIOT ACT] that are scheduled to expire at the end of the month."Isn't this the same Patriot Act that George Bush used to strip the people's Constitutional freedoms? Isn't this the law the Dems and left-wingers castigated da...y in and day out? And the Dems with 59 votes in Senate voted to continue it? Where is the outrage? Where are the hysterical editorials in The New York Times? Where are the ads from Where are the streets filled with protestors carrying their Bush-as-Hitler placards? Hello? Hello? This is the Patriot Act, the embodiment of all evil.

Say, you don't thing those Dems and left-wingers were lying, do you?

See it here.

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