Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hypocrites and liars all.

Do you really need more proof that Obama and all the other Dems and left-wingers are hypocrites? I wish I had the time to compile all the Dem and left-wing lies about the Patriot Act. The Dems just extended the Patriot Act and Obama signed it into law. Do you hear a word of outrage?


Hypocrites and liars all.

"The Democratic House and Senate have voted to extend key provisions of the Patriot Act which many liberals have criticized for the last eight years, and today President Obama signed that extension into law. One of these provisions allows investigators to obtain a warrant to wiretap all phones that may be used by a terrorist, not just a particular phone number. Federal agencies have had this power, which is obviously necessary in an era of disposable cell phones, for quite a few years in organized crime investigations, but only with the Patriot Act was the authority extended to terrorism. Another  provision allows the government to subpoena records more or less as  lawyers have had the ability to do in civil cases forever. This is the notorious "library" provision that has nothing in particular to do with libraries. The third provision allows federal agencies to surveil "lone wolf" terrorists who may be dangerous even though not affiliated with a particular group, like the Washington snipers of a few years ago."

From Powerline.

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