Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hypocrites and liars all.

Do you really need more proof that Obama and all the other Dems and left-wingers are hypocrites? I wish I had the time to compile all the Dem and left-wing lies about the Patriot Act. The Dems just extended the Patriot Act and Obama signed it into law. Do you hear a word of outrage?


Hypocrites and liars all.

"The Democratic House and Senate have voted to extend key provisions of the Patriot Act which many liberals have criticized for the last eight years, and today President Obama signed that extension into law. One of these provisions allows investigators to obtain a warrant to wiretap all phones that may be used by a terrorist, not just a particular phone number. Federal agencies have had this power, which is obviously necessary in an era of disposable cell phones, for quite a few years in organized crime investigations, but only with the Patriot Act was the authority extended to terrorism. Another  provision allows the government to subpoena records more or less as  lawyers have had the ability to do in civil cases forever. This is the notorious "library" provision that has nothing in particular to do with libraries. The third provision allows federal agencies to surveil "lone wolf" terrorists who may be dangerous even though not affiliated with a particular group, like the Washington snipers of a few years ago."

From Powerline.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Patriot Act extended by Dem Senate – where’s the outrage?

"The [DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED] Senate voted Wednesday to extend for a year key provisions of the [PATRIOT ACT] that are scheduled to expire at the end of the month."Isn't this the same Patriot Act that George Bush used to strip the people's Constitutional freedoms? Isn't this the law the Dems and left-wingers castigated da...y in and day out? And the Dems with 59 votes in Senate voted to continue it? Where is the outrage? Where are the hysterical editorials in The New York Times? Where are the ads from Where are the streets filled with protestors carrying their Bush-as-Hitler placards? Hello? Hello? This is the Patriot Act, the embodiment of all evil.

Say, you don't thing those Dems and left-wingers were lying, do you?

See it here.

Your health care after Obama – better off dying.

“Patients were routinely neglected or left “sobbing and humiliated” by staff at an NHS trust where at least 400 deaths have been linked to appalling care.

An independent inquiry found that managers at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust stopped providing safe care because they were preoccupied with government targets and cutting costs.”

Read the gruesome story here.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thanks to Obama, the collapse of the American economy is inevitable.

It is difficult to believe that there is even a single honest person who would associate himself with Obama, but sometimes there is something published (not in the left-wing mainstream media, of course) that makes you wonder. Take Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf who had the temerity to admit that ...the runaway spending of Obama and his Dem Congress is "unsustainable". Not that Obama, Reid and Pelosi care: when the inevitable happens and the American economy sinks, they will blame Bush.

Good article here.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mark Steyn skewers global warming alarmists and frauds.

“But where did all these experts get the data from? Well, NASA’s assertion that Himalayan glaciers “may disappear altogether” by 2030 rests on one footnote, citing the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report from 2007.

In fact, the Fourth Assessment Report suggests 2035 as the likely arrival of Armageddon, but what’s half a decade between scaremongers? They rate the likelihood of the glaciers disappearing as “very high”—i.e., more than 90 per cent. And the IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for that report, so it must be kosher, right? Well, yes, its Himalayan claims rest on a 2005 World Wildlife Fund report called “An Overview of Glaciers.”

WWF? Aren’t they something to do with pandas and the Duke of Edinburgh? True. But they wouldn’t be saying this stuff if they hadn’t got the science nailed down, would they? The WWF report relies on an article published in the New Scientist in 1999 by Fred Pearce.

That’s it? One article from 12 years ago in a pop-science mag? Oh, but don’t worry, back in 1999 Fred did a quickie telephone interview with a chap called Syed Hasnain of Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi. And this Syed Hasnain cove presumably knows a thing or two about glaciers.

Well, yes. But he now says he was just idly “speculating”; he didn’t do any research or anything like that.

But so what? His musings were wafted upwards through the New Scientist to the World Wildlife Fund to the IPCC to a global fait accompli: the glaciers are disappearing. Everyone knows that. You’re not a denier, are you? India’s environment minister, Jairam Ramesh, says there was not “an iota of scientiļ¬c evidence” to support the 2035 claim. Yet that proved no obstacle to its progress through the alarmist establishment. Dr. Murari Lal, the “scientist” who included the 2035 glacier apocalypse in the IPCC report, told Britain’s Mail on Sunday that he knew it wasn’t based on “peer-reviewed science” but “we thought we should put it in”—for political reasons.”

All of it here.