Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eric Holder preps scapegoats as Obama polls decline

  Obama’s poll ratings are declining. His bid to quickly convert the United States from a capitalist economy to a socialist (actually a fascist) state is running into resistance. What is a wannabe tyrant to do?

  Creating scapegoats is the time-honored way. Lenin did it. Trotsky did it. Hitler and Mao did it.

  Obama is doing it. He is already setting up the Israelis and, in their turn, all Jews, for not reaching a “peace” with Muslim terrorists. This will allow a nuclear-armed Iran and its dependencies Hamas and Hizbollah to wreak havoc on Israelis while campus Muslims step up their attacks on Jews. Anti-Semitism, if you haven’t noticed it, has become very fashionable among the left-wing.

  Now Obama’s corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder, of Marc Rich and other scandals fame, is preparing to do what Obama claimed he didn’t want to do: set a special prosecutor loose to harry Bush appointees and CIA employees about “torture” allegations. Of course the goal is to nail Dick Cheney and other higher-ups.

  The truth, of course, is that Obama and his “gangster government”, as Michael Barone so aptly puts it, need scapegoats to take attention from what they are actually doing.

  Read it all in the New York Post.

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