Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Eric Holder: paragon of corruption

“When Al Gore clearly violated the law, Eric Holder found no controlling legal authority and shut down the case. Now, when the controlling legal authority clearly shows no violation of law, Holder has unleashed the prosecutors to go after the nation’s most crucial line of defense against terror. That is shameful.’”

  It was Eric Holder who was instrumental in the paid for pardon of Marc Rich. It was Eric Holder who helped Hillary Clinton by conveniently ignoring established procedures when unrepentant FALN terrorists were released to help her New York senate campaign. It is Eric Holder whose Justice Department underlings dropped charges against New Black Panther Party thugs who intimidated voters and hurled racist insults at whites. It is Eric Holder who declined to pursue Al Gore for blatant violations of federal law.

  It is Eric Holder who is now persecuting – not prosecuting, but persecuting – CIA employees.

  Holder and Obama. Nothing is too low for them. Just watch – this witch hunt is aimed at Dick Cheney.

  Read Andrew McCarthy’s excellent article here.

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