Monday, June 22, 2009

Obama to Iranian protestors: drop dead.

  Many may be too young to remember the classic New York tabloid headline when President Gerald Ford refused to bail New York City out of its financial crisis in the 1970s.

  Now we have the example of Iranian citizens protesting an honest vote in choosing their dictators and Obama refuses to lend them any support.

“In a perverse irony, we are witnessing the most serious threat to the Islamic Republic since its establishment, at the same time the first American president explicitly to accept the regime's legitimacy happens to be in office. Whatever credibility the mullahs have lost in the street, they have picked up in the Oval Office, where the president bizarrely seems less enthusiastic about a change in dispensation in Iran than much of Tehran's population.”

  Obama’s cowardice and weaknesses is summed up:

“Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei gets a rhetorical pass that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't. As hundreds of thousands of Iranian protesters march for democracy, in defiance of a government that is our committed enemy, Pres. Barack Obama resorts to lawyerly equivocations. He labors to avoid saying anything denoting untoward disapproval of the baton-wielding shock troops of Iran's theocracy.”

  Read it all here – while you’re enjoying a frozen custard as the people of Iran are being clubbed and shot in the streets of Tehran.

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