Sunday, June 21, 2009

Obama stabs Israel in the back (again)?

  Obama appears to be stabbing Israel in the back (again) by using Jimmy Carter as a secret liaison to Hamas and secretly telling the terrorist group they don’t have to recognize Israel’s right to exist.

  There’s no way yet to verify the story, but it people concerned with the fate of Israel – which Obama seems to want destroyed – should demand a clear answer to the relationship between Carter, Obama and Hamas.

Former President Jimmy Carter presented Hamas with a written initiative intended to open talks between the Islamist group and the U.S. without Hamas having to accept all conditions previously laid out for dialogue by the American government
, top Hamas officials told WND.

Those conditions, expressed twice by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, are Hamas' renouncement of violence, recognition of Israel and agreement to abide by previous PLO commitments. The conditions were adopted by the Mideast Quartet, which consists of the U.S., United Nations, Russia and the European Union.

Carter, however, handed Hamas last week a letter "that aims to open dialogue between Hamas and U.S.," Mushir al-Masri, a member of Hamas' parliament and a spokesman for the Islamist group, told WND today.

Two top Hamas sources told WND Carter's initiative bypasses Clinton's conditions and instead asks Hamas to recognize the so-called two-state solution as well as the Arab Peace Initiative.

Read the whole story here.

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