Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stephen and Renee Fowler: portraits of the left-wing

Want to see the kind of people who support Barack Obama? They also hate the United States, spit on our military, think they are superior to any who do not share their opinions, falsify their educational credentials holding out "certifications" from dubious pseudo-science organization as "advanced degrees".

On a reality show called "Wife Swap" - - - which the suave, sophisticate British-born Stephen Fowler - - - agreed to "swap" wives with a couple from a small town in Missouri.

The idea is that the wives of the two couples live in each others homes for a week or two.

Stephen Fowler proves to be insufferable. He is insulting, demeaning and just plain piggish toward the Missouri woman.

The Fowlers are clear in their sentiments. America is evil. Those in the military - the very people who guarantee their freedom to be boors - are looked down upon.

They are Obama voters.

You can read about the Fowlers and particularly Stephen's thuggish behavior here. If you are something of a masochist or merely want to see someone you can easily hate with a passion, Stephen Fowler, you can watch highlights on YouTube.

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