Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kentuckians freeze and die while Obama eats $100 a pound steak

The mainstream media is silent while:

1) Kentuckians die by the dozens from feezing weather; and,
2) Obama dines on $100 per pound waygu steak.

The President - that humble soul who warned us during the campaign that we can't turn our thermostats up to 72 degrees while doing precisely that in the White House invited a bunch of pooh-bahs for a party and is serving the most expensive steak in the world. If you read the comments in the first link, some left-winger says the steak is only $65 for 14 ounces, which seems to make everything okay in his opinion.

Nowhere in the mainstream news will you find a word about the dismal quality of FEMA's assistance to Kentucky. I wonder if that could have anything to do with the fact that the person responsible these days is Barrack Hussein Obama?

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