Wednesday, February 25, 2009

FactCheck checks Obama's facts - and finds them wanting looks at Obama's speech to a joint session of Congress and finds a few whoppers. It leaves out the biggest of all the lies - no earmarks.

Obama appoints Saudi mouthpiece to important intelligence post

" Gabriel Schoenfeld blows the whistle on President Obama's decision to name Charles "Chas" Freeman, Jr. as chairman of the National Intelligence Council. This is the outfit responsible for prodcing National Intelligence Estimates.

Freeman is a shocking choice. He has a long and deep association with Saudi Arabia. In particular, he became president of the Middle East Policy Council in 1997. The MEPC is a mouthpiece for the Saudi government, which finances it. In this capacity, the MEPC has published an abridged version of the notorious essay by John Mearsheimer and Walt, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," which argues that American Jews have a stranglehold on the U.S. Congress, and use it to advance Israeli interests at the expense of those of the U.S. According to Schoenfeld, Freeman has expressly endorsed this thesis. It looks like Samantha Power won't be lonely in the Obama administration."

Isreal is in deep trouble. See the Powerline post here.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Is the mortgage "crisis" a sham?

Sure seems that way, according to this New York Post op-ed.

Make sure you check out the table.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

California: then and now

When California was admitted to the Union on September 9, 1850.

The State had no electricity.
The State had no money.
Almost everyone spoke Spanish.
There were gunfights in the streets.
So basically, it was just like California today; except the women had real breasts and the men didn't hold hands.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stephen and Renee Fowler: portraits of the left-wing

Want to see the kind of people who support Barack Obama? They also hate the United States, spit on our military, think they are superior to any who do not share their opinions, falsify their educational credentials holding out "certifications" from dubious pseudo-science organization as "advanced degrees".

On a reality show called "Wife Swap" - - - which the suave, sophisticate British-born Stephen Fowler - - - agreed to "swap" wives with a couple from a small town in Missouri.

The idea is that the wives of the two couples live in each others homes for a week or two.

Stephen Fowler proves to be insufferable. He is insulting, demeaning and just plain piggish toward the Missouri woman.

The Fowlers are clear in their sentiments. America is evil. Those in the military - the very people who guarantee their freedom to be boors - are looked down upon.

They are Obama voters.

You can read about the Fowlers and particularly Stephen's thuggish behavior here. If you are something of a masochist or merely want to see someone you can easily hate with a passion, Stephen Fowler, you can watch highlights on YouTube.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Is sexual desire entering a recession?

One way Democrats get rich in office

I hope the folks at Hot Air don't get too mad at me, but this story has to be shared in full:

California Congresswoman discovers get-rich-quick scheme
posted at 9:15 am on February 14, 2009 by Ed Morrissey

People who wonder how elected officials come to Congress on modest means and retire wealthy should study Rep. Grace Napolitano of California. Few have found campaigning as personally enriching as Napolitano … literally. And according to the FEC, her scheme is apparently completely legal:

During a decade in Congress, California Representative Grace Napolitano has pocketed more than $200,000 of political contributions by charging as much as 18 percent interest on money she loaned to her own campaign.

The suburban Los Angeles Democrat made the $150,000 loan in 1998, when she was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Through Dec. 31, her campaign committee has used donations to pay Napolitano $221,780 of interest while reducing the principal by just $64,727, a review of her Federal Election Commission filings shows.

As recently as June 2008, Napolitano held a fundraiser asking supporters and political action committees for money to pay down the 1998 debt. Napolitano, her spokesman and her campaign’s lawyers didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Here’s how it’s done:

1. Withdraw money from a pension or tax-protected savings account to justify charging yourself an interest rate that would make most credit-card companies blush.
2. Pay only the interest as long as possible on the loan.
3. Hold fundraisers specifically to retire the debt you owe to yourself, and make sure donors understand exactly where that money goes.
4. Give yourself all the donations from those fundraisers.

Once you have that system established, it allows contributors to stuff money into your pockets as long as the loan remains outstanding. At 18% interest, that could go on for decades, and in Napolitano’s case, she already has one decade on the books. Napolitano has managed to keep more than half of the debt alive as principal while earning almost 150% just on interest payments — and at this rate, she could do this for another twenty years.

The best part of this is what Napolitano converted to create her donor-funded ATM. She worked as a secretary for Ford Motor Company, and cashed out stock at $45 a share in 1998 out of her retirement account. It’s now trading at less than $2 a share, and she’s had a 150% return in ten years without risking the principal at all.

And she’s done it while giving contributors a direct line to her checking accounts — and it’s all legal.

But it still stinks.

Update: I didn’t play Name That Party, and thankfully neither did Bloomberg. It’s in the second paragraph of the news story: she’s a Democrat.

Coming soon to a city near you.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Criminal prosecutors should be held liable for false convictions.

In 1985, a man was sentenced to 25 years in prison for a rape he did not commit. He died in prison in 1999.

Now he has been pardoned posthumously after DNA identified another man, currently in prison, as the actual rapist.

Call me extreme, but I think every criminal defendant deserves the best defense available - and if a prosecutor convicts an innocent person, than that prosecutor should be criminally liable.

Faith in the justice system is eroded when so many people convicted are subsequently found to be entirely innocent. We need a way to make prosecutors more careful. The first is to provide better legal teams to defendants - and the second is to make the prosecutor liable for long prison terms if they convict a person who turns out to be innocent.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Survivalism goes middle-of-the-road

The hypocrisy of Daschle and Obama

You really must watch this hilarious campaign commercial of Tom Daschle driving an old car around Washington DC with the tag line of "a penny saved is a penny earned".

Kind of drives home the hypopocrisy of Daschle having a car and driver that he thought was a "gift" - and the President who won't hire lobbyists in the White House. Instead a guy who earned a fortune advising health care providers is fine because he didn't register as a lobbyist.

See the campaign commercial here.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kentuckians freeze and die while Obama eats $100 a pound steak

The mainstream media is silent while:

1) Kentuckians die by the dozens from feezing weather; and,
2) Obama dines on $100 per pound waygu steak.

The President - that humble soul who warned us during the campaign that we can't turn our thermostats up to 72 degrees while doing precisely that in the White House invited a bunch of pooh-bahs for a party and is serving the most expensive steak in the world. If you read the comments in the first link, some left-winger says the steak is only $65 for 14 ounces, which seems to make everything okay in his opinion.

Nowhere in the mainstream news will you find a word about the dismal quality of FEMA's assistance to Kentucky. I wonder if that could have anything to do with the fact that the person responsible these days is Barrack Hussein Obama?