Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gore & Biden meet in secret. Where is the media outrage?

"Shortly before taking office, Mr. Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.
held a closed-door meeting with Mr. Gore to discuss climate change and national
energy priorities."

Remember when former Vice President Cheney met with an energy taskforce? A media firestorm erupted when the White House refused to release a list of the attendees or the notes of the meetings.

Well, here we have the Vice President Elect meeting in secret with one of the nation's leading liars, Al Gore, who stands to make billions if his lies about "global warming" are accepted and laws passed to "control" global warming make Al Gore richer.

Not a word of the secret meeting in the mainstream media. No call for the releases of the contents of the meeting.

Gore is sheduled to lecture the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about his "global warming" lies on Wednesdasy, January 27 - the same day a relatively rare severe winter storm will be dumping several inches of snow on Washington. Surely, the ground crews will do a good job of deicing Al Gore's private jet.

The full story is in the Washington Times.

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