Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Democrats make their own reality

Some Democrats are intent on rewriting history. From the National Review:
"Democrats are intent on cultivating a mythology of torture to discredit George W. Bush’s administration, and the latest epistle of their faith is Sen. Carl Levin’s misleading and relentlessly partisan report, “Inquiry into the Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody.” Contrary to the report, the Bush
administration did not “redefine” detainee-treatment law; it undertook to determine precisely what the law says and whom it covers. Neither did the Bush administration negate the Geneva Conventions’ Common Article 3, which requires that the prisoners it covers be “treated humanely.” By definition, al-Qaeda is not qualified for Geneva protections because it is a terrorist organization. Nonetheless, the Bush administration made humane treatment of Qaeda prisoners a matter of policy. Three Qaeda captives have been waterboarded during
interrogations, a practice that Congress has declined to criminalize. The abuse of prisoners is not to be tolerated — and under the Bush administration it has not been: Dozens of U.S. military personnel have been disciplined and a number tried in courts-martial. There is a world of difference between freelance
wrongdoing at the hands of a minuscule proportion of soldiers at Abu Ghraib and a government policy of torture. The Democrats’ attempt to conflate the two is a shameful elevation of politics over the sometimes unpleasant necessities of
national defense. "

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