Thursday, January 29, 2009

Obama made a rash decision on Gitmo

John Yoo was an important player in the Bush administration and he thinks Obama is rash in promising to close Gitmo. His well reasoned op-ed is here.

Obama talks to the Muslims

Obama, says Victor Davis Hanson, needs to be more careful in choosing his words.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Never let a serious crisis go to waste

Democrat Rahm Emmanuel says:

"Never let a serious crisis go to waste. What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things you couldn't do before."

The so-called economic stimulus is a 647-page, $825 billion document filled with wishes Democrats have accumulated over the past 40 years. It reflects the needs of Democrat special interests and heavy donors, like the National Education Assocation. So while billions are given to public schools on top of the hundreds of billions the have already wasted, there is a proviso that none of the billions may be used for voucher or other private schools. Gotta protect those contributors to the Democrats - and the hell with the kids.

Read it all the Wall St. Journal.

Thomas Sowell on the bailout

"What are the Beltway politicians buying with all the hundreds of billions of dollars they are spending? They are buying what politicians are most interested in—power.In the name of protecting the taxpayers’ investment, they are buying the power to tell General Motors how to make cars, banks how to bank, and, before it is all over with, all sorts of other people how to do the work they specialize in, and for which members of Congress have no competence, much less expertise."

Thomas Sowell is one of the brightest people out there - and in his current column, he tells us what the politicians are really doing do with this crisis that is simply too good to waste.

Afghanistan: Obama's Vietnam?

Ralph Peters has an interesting look at Obama's predicament in Afghanistan.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

European laws - less freedom all the time

"If you want to see just where the EU is going, then take a look at sections 1205-00 and 1206-00. Both of them say that it is a crime to “insult” the State, the Nation, the symbols of the State or Nation, or representatives of the State/Nation. Does this mean that it is considered a crime if someone writes an op-ed that is disparaging of a politician? Sure sounds like it."

Interesting article at Chicagoboyz on the rather wide array of acts criminalized in Europe.

Gore & Biden meet in secret. Where is the media outrage?

"Shortly before taking office, Mr. Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.
held a closed-door meeting with Mr. Gore to discuss climate change and national
energy priorities."

Remember when former Vice President Cheney met with an energy taskforce? A media firestorm erupted when the White House refused to release a list of the attendees or the notes of the meetings.

Well, here we have the Vice President Elect meeting in secret with one of the nation's leading liars, Al Gore, who stands to make billions if his lies about "global warming" are accepted and laws passed to "control" global warming make Al Gore richer.

Not a word of the secret meeting in the mainstream media. No call for the releases of the contents of the meeting.

Gore is sheduled to lecture the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about his "global warming" lies on Wednesdasy, January 27 - the same day a relatively rare severe winter storm will be dumping several inches of snow on Washington. Surely, the ground crews will do a good job of deicing Al Gore's private jet.

The full story is in the Washington Times.

The Democrats make their own reality

Some Democrats are intent on rewriting history. From the National Review:
"Democrats are intent on cultivating a mythology of torture to discredit George W. Bush’s administration, and the latest epistle of their faith is Sen. Carl Levin’s misleading and relentlessly partisan report, “Inquiry into the Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody.” Contrary to the report, the Bush
administration did not “redefine” detainee-treatment law; it undertook to determine precisely what the law says and whom it covers. Neither did the Bush administration negate the Geneva Conventions’ Common Article 3, which requires that the prisoners it covers be “treated humanely.” By definition, al-Qaeda is not qualified for Geneva protections because it is a terrorist organization. Nonetheless, the Bush administration made humane treatment of Qaeda prisoners a matter of policy. Three Qaeda captives have been waterboarded during
interrogations, a practice that Congress has declined to criminalize. The abuse of prisoners is not to be tolerated — and under the Bush administration it has not been: Dozens of U.S. military personnel have been disciplined and a number tried in courts-martial. There is a world of difference between freelance
wrongdoing at the hands of a minuscule proportion of soldiers at Abu Ghraib and a government policy of torture. The Democrats’ attempt to conflate the two is a shameful elevation of politics over the sometimes unpleasant necessities of
national defense. "

Kim Jong Il and supporters

The Weekly Standard provides us with a glimpse of the most snappily dressed tyranny to ever exist in North Korea.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Riding the rails of the New York Subway System - without pants or trousers

A very cute video on YouTube of a mob of people riding the New York City subway system without pants.

The ACLU wants terrorists treated ever so gently

A group of famlilies who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks has asked Obama to "reverse his decision to suspend the trial of five detainees in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who admit roles in the terror attacks".

The AP devotes a large amount of space to the mewings of a representative of the New York Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) who, among other things, demands that terrorists acting in behalf a non-state organization which doesn't subscribe to the Geneva Conventions, be treated as if they are prisoners of war.

"The options bypassed by the Bush White House, Siegel said, included defining the suspects as prisoners of war, which would make them subject to the Geneva treaties; submitting the cases to an international court of justice; and trying them in New York federal court, which has extensive experience with previous terrorism cases including the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center.

"So now Obama's people, who I have confidence in, should look at this stuff, make some hard decisions and move judiciously,'' he said. "These people [the victims' families] should be involved in this. It's a good test of the Obama rhetoric of listening to the people.''"

If you read closely, you'll see that Norman Siegal of the NYCLU and the ACLU are simply using these poor people as props in their drive to help the terrorists escape punishment.


Hat tip to beachbaby for spotting this.

Obama has secret meetng with Supreme Court Justices. Media silent!

Remember when Dick Cheney went hunting with a Supreme Court Justice? The left-wing and its media buddies went ballistic. It was the end of the world.

And now in this article in a conservative publication, we learn that Obama had a secret meeting with most of the Supreme Court Justices - and the mainstream media has noting to say about it.

There is no double standard in the media. Just ask them.

Isrel promises to protect its soldiers

The Associated Press is very biased and very much opposed to Israel. However this article is interesting for its nuances, such as how the heavily headlined charges that Israel committed war crimes by using white phosphorus turns out to be the lawful use of flares. Worth reading very carefully to avoid the bias and lies.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Obama says no earmarks - which means just make them harder for the public to find

President Barack Obama's ban on earmarks in the $825 billion economic
stimulus bill doesn't mean interest groups, lobbyists and lawmakers won't be
able to funnel money to pet projects.
They're just working around it — and
perhaps inadvertently making the process more secretive.

Yep - "The Chicago Way". Lie to the public about stopping something when all you are doing is making the practice more dificult for the suffering taxpayer to learn about.

Obama lied about eliminating earmarks.

The 25 most influential liberals in the media

Forbes lists the 25 most influential media liberals so you know who the enemy is.