Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Factcheck calls out Obama's lies

Factcheck.org claims it is politically neutral. In fact, if you monitor
it closely, Factcheck appears to be left-of-center, but not crazy-left.
Thus it is significant when Factcheck comes very close to bluntly stating
the obvious and well-known fact: Obama is a liar

"Democrats, from President Barack Obama on down, are trying to turn an
evidence-free allegation into a major campaign theme, claiming that
foreign corporations are "stealing our democracy" with secret, illegal
contributions funneled through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It’s a
claim with little basis in fact."

There is, of course, no basis in fact.

Rather it is yet another display of Obama's arrogant conviction that all Americans are stupid and gullible. Just like him.

Obama is dangerous. He is obviously incapable of accepting reality -
yes, he won the election because (counting honest votes only), there
were just enough gullible people to provide an electoral victory. Now,
after almost 20 months, we realize that Obama is a fascist. He has no
regard for the Constitution or for the rule of law. He believes, like
Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and Mao, he believes himself chosen by Providence.
And like them, he sneers at the very idea of democracy.

Americans must turn out as many Dems as possible in this election cycle.
Obama and Holder's attempts to engage in election fraud - and there
will be many of them - must be fought. And once they have a majority in
Congress, the People must let Republicans know that Obama must be
restrained in every way possible. No Dem appointees to the federal
court; no more czars; investigate every act by the Obama administration
that may have involved illegality.

America must be reclaimed for Americans.

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