Wednesday, September 8, 2010

You'll wasnt to give this Victor Davis Hanson column to your friends and neighbors.

"In just 20 months, President Obama’s polls
have crashed. From near 70 percent approval, they have fallen to well
below 50 percent. Over 70 percent of the public disapproves of the
Democratically controlled Congress. Hundreds of thousands of angry
voters flocked to hear Glenn Beck & Co. on the Washington Mall.
Indeed, things have gotten so bad that the cherubic Mormon Beck might
outdraw Barack Obama himself on any given Sunday.

All this was not supposed to be — and it has evoked a lot of anger.

Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson thunders, “The American people are acting like a bunch of spoiled brats.”

You see, hoi polloi want “easy solutions” — like trying to
close an open border, cut federal spending, and balance the budget.
Instead, they should be manning up to pay more for gas, more in taxes,
and more for entitlements for more to come across the border.

Worse still, the uninformed voter cannot seem to appreciate the
brilliance of Barack Obama, who has deigned to suffer on our behalf, in
offering only unpopular but necessary solutions. Obama has tried his
best to prepare an immature nation for amnesty, borrowing at record
levels, cap and trade, and additional trillions of national debt — the
castor oil that the obese and now constipated public for some reason
just won’t swallow."

Read it all here.

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