Sunday, August 22, 2010

Oh my! Obama lies again.

'As Obama knows very well, the Citizens United decision applies to
unions and nonprofits just as much as it does to big corporations. As
Obama also knows very well, union political contributions dwarf corporate contributions:

Labor unions have dominated spending on independent campaign ads so
far this election season, despite a recent Supreme Court decision that
freed spending by corporations, a Washington Post analysis shows.

The findings are an indication that corporate money is not flooding
into campaigns as many predicted would happen after the landmark
decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.

So far this year, $24.7 million in independent spending has been
reported to the Federal Election Commission, campaign filings show.
Unions have spent $9.7 million (or 39 percent of the total), compared
with $6.4 million (26 percent) spent by individuals and $3.4 million
spent by corporations.

Unlike corporations, which
typically hedge their bets by giving to both parties and mainly to the
party in power, union contributions flow 90%+ to Democrats."

Oh my, Obama lies again. Read about it here.

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