Friday, July 10, 2009

House Dems try to protect Pelosi – and endanger the nation

  No one can rationally doubt that Democrats do whatever is necessary in their quest to retain and expand their power. Nancy Pelosi recently claimed that the CIA routinely lied to Congress.

  The CIA, never very effective, has been repeatedly gutted by Democrats. The Church Commission. Clinton’s depredations. And now Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi refused to prove her claims. No surprise there. Democrats are well-known for their technique of tossing out the big lie, letting their media friends expand and never providing facts to support their claim.

  They seem to be in the process of doing it again.

  Several House Democrats claim that Leon Panetta has told them that they were lied to by the CIA since 2001.

  The Wall St. Journal says it isn’t so. Rather, Panetta told Congress that they hadn’t been informed of a program discussed at the CIA, but never implemented.

We're told that he informed the Members that the agency had considered, then abandoned, a major covert antiterror program. (Our sources wouldn't say what it was.) Bush-era CIA officials didn't tell Congress because it never got off the ground. But this is the "at least one case" Mr. Reyes claims his committee was "lied to" about in the Bush years.

  It’s a huge difference. Not that a Democrat would ever care about getting to the truth - or damaging what little morale is left at the CIA.

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