Thursday, April 9, 2009

Obama era ushers in suppression of vegan's First Amendment rights

ILVTOFU. Does that seem obscene to you? If it does, you might want to apply for a job at the Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR). When mother-of-three Kelley Coffman-Lee requested this combination of letters for a vanity license plate, she was turned down.

While Kelley wanted the world to know just how much she loves tofu, the DOR saw it as a profession of love for something else entirely. "I-LV-TOFU" was deemed too risque, the DOR thinking it could be misinterpreted as "I-LV-TO-F-U."

Shame! This noble example of politically correct citizenship (""I'm very expressive. I'm anti-fur, anti-rodeo, anti-circus when they come to Denver, and I thought, 'Here's a chance to be positive and say I love something.'"") is denied basic First Amendment rights.

Read the whole thing here.

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